I've been on a major 90's metallic hardcore kick lately (my apologies to those who do not want to see more of this stuff...
The latest from Deathwish Inc. is this short but sweet split 7" between Sweden's Disfear and Salem, MA's Doomriders. First...
"Curses" is the debut full-length from Oslo, Norway's Manhattan Skyline (released by the ever-curious and diverse Fysisk...
Apparently Memphis, TN's That Was Then (who shares a vocalist with the almighty Dead City) is calling it quits next month,...
Honestly, for some reason I've lost touch with what GSR Music has been pumping out for the last year or so, and thus didn't...
"Bad Blood" is the debut album from Sweden's Dead Vows (released by the Italian label Refoundation Records), unloading 11...
In their own words: "Gods and Queens is a three-piece band from Brooklyn/Philadelphia, who tried in vain to blatantly steal...
The latest from Nothing But a Beatdown Records is a split CD offering six tracks apiece from French acts Alea Jacta Est and...
I've been pulling out tons of old 90's hardcore compilations in the last few months, and I finally got around to this one...
Another one that I slept on for a little too long is "We: The Guillotine", the debut full-length from San Francisco's Early...
"Quiet Earth" is the sophomore full-length from Canada's Bison B.C. (released by Metal Blade Records), who I had never...
Recorded back in 2002—2003 and originally released by Superhero Records in 2004 as the "Wake" CD (for which you can read my...
For some inexplicable reason, Philadelphia's Dare to Defy seems to have fallen off the map of awareness in the years since...
Coincidentally, after remarking in my write-up of the Vegas/Moutheater split 7" a couple of weeks ago that I'd really like...
To this day I know almost nothing about Australia's Mightyfew, but they were a painfully underrated, overlooked, and just...
Having released three EP's and a full-length since 1999, I believe "We Know We Don't Know" (released on CD by Groupsounds)...
While it wasn't necessarily the most original sounding album in the world when it first hit the streets, I have to say that...
Featuring current and former members of Bracewar and Cast Aside, the debut 7" from Richmond, VA's Heathens (who were known...
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