Today is shaping up to be the first less-than-11-hour workday I've had since last week, and it's also the first time since...
On top of everything else my car broke down on the way home from work Monday night, so it's been an awesome month overall....
Yeah, so... in addition to all of the work/personal bullshit making life just great in general as of late, my computer...
It's always a pleasant surprise when a band that's been around for over a decade can continue to best their prior work time...
I haven't posted about any criminally underrated gems lately, so here's one of the best absurdly rare and borderline...
Having listened to damn near every Fury of Five track ever recorded yesterday at work (though you'd never know it from...
At my count this is the third and by far the best edition of the complete discography from the almighty Bulldoze, released...
Brand new on Strike Three Records, this all-too-brief disc compiles 11 tracks from two previously released EP's in only...
Originally released in 1995 and still hailed by many as the band's finest album, "Master Killer" was the debut full-length...
For their Rivalry Records debut, Rhode Island's Soul Control only needs about 23 minutes to crank out 11 short tracks (only...
Having been most impressed with the demo material from Auckland, New Zealand death metal act Ulcerate a few years ago, I...
A mere three tracks, barely over six minutes, yet all gold. This UK metallic hardcore outfit takes "holy terror" so...
Originally released about a year ago by Swedish label Dental Records and then licensed stateside earlier this year by...
"Always Intact" is the latest from Helsinki, Finland's Cutdown on Musta Maija Records, doing what Finland does best: Pissed...
Holy shit, has it really been something like eight years since the last Dekapitator album!? I had no idea it had been so...
Having never heard of the band before I didn't really expect a great deal out of it based on the cover art or anything, but...
I've been sorta kinda trying to write a few updates for at least a week now (some old stuff, and actually some new stuff...
I neither eat meat nor live in Oklahoma... and this is making me rethink all of it. Best... jingle... ever...
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