
Accu§er “Repent” CD

Accu§er - RepentI don't know a ton about Accu§er (who I got into a few years ago and found to have been pretty damn underrated over the years), but I've been listening to a shitload of relatively obscure thrash lately, so in keeping with last week's Friday post, here's another overlooked thrash gem—this time from late in the game as the genre's heyday was dying out. Accu§er was formed in Germany in 1986 and released their debut full-length the following year. "Repent", released in 1992, was their fourth album, and represents a subtle stylistic shift for the band, as former frontman Eberhard Weyel left the band prior to the recording and guitarist Frank Thoms took over on vocals. The fact that his vocal style is significantly burlier (some would say more "hardcore"-ish), so the music on this album follows suit accordingly, makes it not exactly the best representation of what Accu§er had to offer as a whole (their first vocalist was admittedly stronger, for example), but... fuck it, 'cause this album offers up an absolutely awesome blend of meaty, midpaced, mosh-laden early-90's thrash with just the right amount of the quality riffing and vague technicality leftover from the late-80's plateau of thrash metal. As with many of the band's albums the mix is sadly off a bit since the drums are a bit up front and the guitars could use a little more presence, but the fucking guitar tone is so ridiculously heavy that they probably had to suppress the levels a bit to prevent the low-end from caving in on itself or something! I mean, the guitars sound like a blend between Exhorder's "The Law" (which came out the same year) and Earth Crisis' "Destroy the Machines" (which came out three years later, so I'm not making comparisons), which is pretty god damn perfect—especially considering the badass chugging 'n' churning that the riffs exhibit throughout. There are just some sick riffs in these tracks. Good stuff.

Accu§er "Sacrifice Machine"
Accu§er "Get Saved"

And, again, like last week, I cannot find this fucking CD for sale anywhere. Very strange, as you'd sort of think this would be one of those discs you could easily grab for a buck or two here and there since so many diehard thrash fanatics would probably deem it "too slow" or "too hardcore". Not the case, apparently. So, you know... I don't think there's any other choice but to use Google if you wanna rock some more obscure tunes. Go figure...

If anyone has any obscure thrash favorites of their own to recommend, please do post a comment or shoot me an email.


  1. Sabbat’s DREAMWEAVER was re-released not to long ago, after many years of being out of print. That album is worthy of great respect. The drums are a relentless torture device, the guitars are heavy as shit and deadly precise, and the vocals stink of brimstone in that inimitable 1980’s European manner. An unsung forerunner to black metal in many ways, and it holds up terrifically well after all these years.

    5.16.2008 | By Marcus Garvey

  2. Thanks for the tip, I didn’t know this band at all.
    Cerebral Fix’s “Tower of Spite” seems to be a very underrated album. Perhaps for the same reasons (“too slow”)...

    5.16.2008 | By Anonymous

  3. I remember these guys when their album “Reflections” came out and got a lot of play on a local college radio metal show I listened to back then. If I remember correctly, it was some pretty decent groove thrash that wasn’t too far removed from the songs you posted here.

    As for some obscure thrash worth investigating, check out Revenant’s “Prophecies of a Dying World.” They were fairly technical and had some death metal leanings. I didn’t appreciate it enough at the time and, like the idiot I was, I sold it many years ago. I’m really kicking myself for it now because it’s impossible to find for a reasonable price anymore.

    5.16.2008 | By gordeth

  4. here is Lääz Rockit’s “Nothing’$ $acred” album:

    I posted it here if someone else beside Andrew wants it.


    5.17.2008 | By Somebody

  5. the more, the merrier:

    (apparently, rapidshare got confused by the dollar signs)

    it’s at the highest VBR.

    5.17.2008 | By chris

  6. Rock, thanks everyone.  Much appreciated.

    Funny thing is I have two Cerebral Fix CD’s and totally forgot about them, I’ll have to drag those out to revisit soon.  I also used to have that Revenant disc but I didn’t appreciate it as a kid and sold it as well, ha, ha.  I’ll have to try to see if that’s something I regret, too.

    5.17.2008 | By Andrew Aversionline

  7. Excellent hidden thrash gem! Thanks for the tip on Accused- I’ve always been a fan of the Teutonic thrash scene, so it’s great to find out about a new, underrated band like this. 

    As far as recommendations I want to throw out a new band called Batoche that isn’t thrash, but certainly has some of those elements to their music. I think their sound fits in with much of the heavier music you profile on your site, Andrew.

    5.17.2008 | By Howard

  8. Fuck Yes! this band’s shit was always tighter than a babies ass.
    Loved Who Dominates Who? back in the day.

    some trivia - these guitarists were so into the guitar tones on Believer’s “Sanity Obscure” that they actually contacted the guitarist Kurt about it and to find out where the record was recorded. they were considering coming to Springhouse PA to record guitars at the same studio if i’m not mistaken. Odd.

    5.23.2008 | By jim fuckin winters