Annihilust is a new duo formed by ex-members of Watchmaker (and also boasts lineup ties to Grief, Trap Them, and the Ladybug Smashers, among others), making their debut appearance amidst this massive compilation from Yamabushi Recordings.
With 39 (generally) short, fast, and rugged tracks from 22 bands—also featuring killer cuts from Cease to Exist, Nembutal, and Klux, among others (and I should probably mention that the last track is one of my own)—one might miss "Victor of Contempt" about a third of the way through the collection... so don't let that happen! It contains all the unhinged, chaotic rage that one should expect from Watchmaker alumni—lending a grinding powerviolence edge to their riotous madhouse thrash, no less!
Stream, download, or pick up a cassette of Cleanse & Purify over at Bandcamp; and expect more from Annihilust soon: they're currently polishing off their debut EP (which is sure to rip), and have planned a forthcoming interview with Aversionline as well...
I’m super excited since the day I heard that ex member(s?) of one of my favorite bands, Watchmaker, are still thrashing! Can’t wait to hear the whole EP!
Yeah, it will rip for sure.
Long live madness! :)
5.14.2016 | By CarlosFromAversionline