Another from Lifeline Records that's not terribly far removed from the Arkangel school is "Blades Shall Speak", which is the second full-length from Poland's Alienacja. I think this is the first time I've ever heard this band, and I have to say this is some pretty badass death metalcore that takes that whole 90's European style and cranks it up to an even tighter and more ferocious level. Think loads of blasting speeds that border on a loosely chaotic edge and plenty of sick, grinding midpaced chunkiness—with ripping vocals jumping all over the place from midrange snarls to low growls and then some. I have to say, this is a pretty hard style to do right, because I tend to find that bands within this realm will utilize far too much tremolo picking and sort of fall into the trap of one-sided songwriting. But Alienacja seems to have a great grasp on this shit, because they walk that line without lacking any energy. It's fast and explosive but you can still catch some groove in the guitar work and the flashy drum fills and whatnot, so there's a good sense of energy throughout—in addition to some damn solid riffing. Sure, all things considered they could probably stand to shorten the tracks up a bit from time to time (every song is four to five minutes, give or take) in order to harness their power into more focused bursts, but fuck it... the recording's incredibly solid for a smaller band on a D.I.Y. label, and this is good shit. The disc's got another outstanding layout in a full-color digipack with a nice, thick booklet and everything as well... I don't know how the hell the label can afford to do this stuff, but kudos for that, too!
Hit the label up on MySpace for ordering information, and hopefully they'll get some American distribution hooked up sometime in 2007!
Lifeline Records releases are now available through Interpunk:
That Alienajca was *ripping*. I’ll have to look more into them!
12.5.2006 | By Invisible Oranges
Arkangel hell yeah!!! one of te most important bands for me when i first got into hardcore (metallic or not) and maybe the only one of the belgian bands that is still good.
12.5.2006 | By V_For_Valantis
hehe i also remember when i had start listening “metalcore” i
listened a lot this album from Arkangel. I never realize or heard that band was so “important”. But the years has passed , I discovered many new bands and soon lost interest in Arkangel. Some like them very much, some cant see them. I am probably somwhere in the middle. i hadnt listened for ages, maybe I will check them now and see what i think of them….
i dont know many Belgium bands but AmenRa and Leng TChe are quite good for me. I had liked Leng TChe a lot, I love brutal grind with good sense of humour, and brutal means brutal not some funny wanna be brutal bands.
I think that I had lost interest in metalcore in those years, everything seems so similar to me. I like “90 metalcore a lot but i dont know where tu put Arkangel…
12.6.2006 | By Anonymous
That’s the only Arkangel release worth mentioning. They sold out all of their beliefs soon after, becoming nothing more than a joke really. Oh well, at least that MCD and their shows back then are memorable…
12.6.2006 | By Edwin
werent they sXe and now they are great drinkers? i heard that few times…
12.6.2006 | By Anonymous
Arkangel was ahead of their times. Yep, they’re no longer edge. But, how to say it, so fucking what? DEAD MAN WALKING is awesome although it took me some time to realize that. I HOPE YOU DIE BY OVERDOSE is a decent record, not great, but decent nevertheless.
I heard their new songs which will appear on a seven inch, probably. Man, it’s the slowest thing they ever recorder. Awesome stuff. It’s gloomy, it’s dark, it’s heavy and I want to hear it again.
12.6.2006 | By BXL_Fan
it wasnt so much about them not being edge anymore all their songs were about veganism and they sold that out too
12.6.2006 | By phil d
Well, as almost all vegan edge band did, so no surprise here haha… Anyway, David (drummer) is still vegan and Baldur (singer) is vegetarian. The two new members were never veggie or vegan.
BTW, Arkangel’s guitarist previous band, Length of Time, played a reunion show recently and they are planning to play more gigs in the future. How cool is that?
12.6.2006 | By BXL_Fan
Great label, I need to get my hands on the CD re-release of ‘Prayers,’ seeing as I only have the vinyl…good shit Andrew (as always =)
12.7.2006 | By xbenx
let’s hope that Length Of Time will start playing good shit again. i haven’t heard Amenra, but i liked Leng Tch’e's first two albums a lot. now i think they lost their humour, the crazy sound (i think because they got another singer), to me they sound like a Blood Duster rip-off right now and i think that’s because they signed to Relapse, which in my opinion has become a sell-out label that ruins bands. as for Arkangel, i used to enjoy their vegan/edge slogans when i was a kid, but although i still follow this lifestyle, i don’t care for big words and slogans, so i don’t care what they’re doing now, since i still like their music and their latest cd. i think what kind of annoyed me in the booklet of the last cd is that they had photos of reading porn mags which for me is stupid and pathetic, since i’m involved in woman/human rights movements, but that’s me. ayway, i heard that they’ll release a split with Kickback, how cool is that? Kickback have yet to release that album they recorded 3-4 years ago…
12.8.2006 | By V_For_Valantis
i wouldnt agree that Relapse ruin bands, some of their roster are great and some arent , probably is like with all labels. They have put out some killer releases during their “career”, but they are more focused on brutal bands or eextreme if you like that more. Label growth very popular, they are selling a lot of things, so you cat probably excpect from them to be DIY or soemthing ;)
About Leng TChe: iave two albums from them, except first one which for some strange reason i forgot to buy. The last record is a little different from the first as sound is much better (Relapse khm), they didnt use any film clip in album (which can be good not bad), and vocal aproach is for me better than anytime before. New singer came in only few days before the shooting, they have problems with previous- i heard he become too lazy, he didnt sing so good anymore, etc… if you read lyrics they are somewhat still funny. If i sum everything together i think they had only advance, band cant keep sounding the same, does it? And vocal approach is more monstrous than every, starting of first song on The Process of Elimination totally blew me away…
12.8.2006 | By Pablo
who gives a flying FUCK if someone takes a few drinks every now and then, even if they were edge once? does that make them a bad person? does that make their music less “worthy”? geez. some of you sxe people can really sound like a bunch of fucking 12-year-olds.
12.8.2006 | By chris
this is typical full spead ahead internet arguing.
did you read the statement, or you maybe didnt understand it correctley?
“werent they sXe and now they are great drinkers? i heard that few times…”
question mark. does this mean anything to you? this is not statement its fucking Q-U-E-S-T-I-O-N!
i know somebody cant be the “same” for whole life. I probably wont listening grind when i will be 60, what do you think?
and probably all skinheads dont remain skinheads for whole life, or some punks punk, or some homophobic homophobic, etc…
In general I only want to say this that people must take care with their words or statements because they could “eat” them in future…
12.8.2006 | By Anonymous
As long as the music is still cool I don’t really care so much if bands “sell out” anymore, though it is sort of lame if they were the types who were really vocal about it and made it one of the focal aspects of their band. Arkangel weren’t nearly as blatant as some of the other bands that have “lost the edge” over the years…
12.8.2006 | By Andrew Aversionline
i think we should take the whole “losing the edge” thing in a funny way. i’d give my left testicle to see an ex-sxe guy that has tattoos with x’s drinking beers and having an idiotic embarassed face.
pablo, i don’t think relapse releases extreme or brutal bands (at least they don’t anymore): their grind bands don’t have the same amount of brutality as bands say from obscene or any gore/porn/grind band and especially the swedish grind bands have a polished sound that’s very commercial (i believe emo kids can listen to nasum for example) and i think they lost the connection to the roots of this music: diy hardcore/punk. it’s just that their bands are very fast and technical. is any band of the relapse roster as extreme as first napalm death or carcass albums? even regurgitate watered down their sound. the only releases from relapse i can count as really extreme are today is the day, disembowelment, halo and maybe the “math” bands when they were beginning.
12.8.2006 | By V_For_Valantis
i wont agree that Relapse dont release “extreme” bands. they have a lot of extreme bands, nowadays and in the past. For me extreme is not ultra fast, or ultra brutal, its just extreme. Extreme itself its extreme towards the others, in this case towards the other labels. If you compare Relapse to many other labels they have a lot of extreme bands, but they as they are big label they of course release something more “for the masses”.
i personally dont listen much “gore”. For me its very funny music, the music itself is maybe very fast or heavy but most of the gore vocals in gore bands act real funny to me. Then totaly stupid lyrics and most of the covers wanna be so brutal that they are disgusting.
Willowtip is maybe more profilied in the way of extreme but they dont have so many bands, and some of them are pretty “usuall”.
I would hardly find emo boy lsitening Nasum. As you had probably noticed many swedish bands have been melodic in terms of swedish melodic, and of course Goeteburg school of swedish melodic (death) metal has leave a lot of influences on the other bands.
I really like nasum. In fact I would say that they are one of my favorite grind bands in all history of fucking grind. i have all their releases and i would hardly found any evidence that they could be accepted by masses - like emo. And Human 2.0 is for me totaly classic, it had leaved great impact on many other bands. Very pissed of vocals, Mieszko was for me one of the greatest grind guitarist, drummer delivered totaly drumming mayhem and all together we can say grind fury mixed with some swedish melodic approach. i would maybe even say that Mieszko was one of the most pissed off vocalist on this fucking world and in the lyrcis he dealt with so many problems.
Of course the sound is more polished. Just remember how
death metal bands sounds back then. i found some of them quite funny and some old death metal bands very similar amongst them. The sound performance had made huge evolution in history of music and for even small amount of money you can record decent records from aspect of recording.
in case of The Dillinger Escape Plan: yes their Miss Machine has seemed more “for the masses” as their “Calculating infinity”. i would say that some songs are great, but i jsut prefer C.I.
Then you have:
-Regurgitate: last record is maybe the most brutal of any they made
-Suffocation: what needs to be say. Brutal since nineties.
-Nasum: human 2.0 i had mentioned before. inhale/exhale was more napalm Death esque sounding.
-Gadget, Nile, Skinless,Cephalic Carnage (their previous effort maybe had been more uncomprimised),Exhumed,Necrophagist, origin…
Yes some of them have maybe lost their sharpness.
Disembowelment had released many of their efforts my themselves if not all…
12.8.2006 | By Pablo