
Arsis “We are the Nightmare” CD

Arsis - We are the Nightmare"We are the Nightmare" is the Nuclear Blast debut from the alfuckingmighty Arsis, a band that I've absolutely adored for a little over four years now, ever since I first saw them live prior to the release of "A Celebration of Guilt". No matter what, Arsis can do no wrong, and is without question one of the finest metal bands active today. From a songwriting standpoint this material is probably a hint stronger than that of "United in Regret", recapturing more of the energy, catchiness, and just utterly fucking badass, mindblowingly technical flashiness of the riffing from their debut full-length. It definitely took me a few minutes to get used to the recording, though, I must say. I listen to 95% of my music in headphones, which certainly helps in this case (both for capturing the full effects of the layering and complexity, and in terms of the mix), but it seems like every time I throw this album on, it sounds really thin for a minute or two, and then thickens up if I increase the volume a bit and give it a few minutes to settle in. I'm not sure why the hell that is, though!? There's definitely some "...And Justice for All" happening to a degree in terms of the basslines (they're too damn hard to hear), and I think the drums could probably fall back a smidge, but... I dunno, maybe those two tweaks would've done the trick 100%? Or maybe it's just me? I don't know... fuck it. 'Cause the songs and the playing are fuckin' superb, as expected. Always. You'll be hard pressed to find better solos anywhere else in contemporary metal, not to mention the fact that half the time the rhythms are as fucked up and complicated as solos in Arsis' work anyway! I just love this god damn band, man. And trust me, the three songs they've placed on MySpace thus far are certainly not the best that this album has to offer. There's ripping greatness aplenty. But I don't want to give away anything that they don't already have out there for promotion, so... just think of this as a teaser for what the full album has to offer, as it definitely gets better from here!

Arsis "We are the Nightmare"

The physical CD's packaging is the band's best yet (the metallic bronze foil outline on the front cover's logo is slick as shit), and comes with a bonus "making of" DVD—which is really more comedic footage of the band fiddling around in the studio and "behind the scenes" during the recording than anything (and at less than an hour in length did leave me wanting more). Though it does prove in a few brief moments that the band's new guitarist, Ryan Knight, is just as much of a badass shredding lunatic as band leader Jim "The Fucking Man" Malone. Impressive.

And don't download this shit for free, fuckers. Please support these guys if you're a fan, 'cause they really, truly fucking deserve it, okay?

Get It

Nuclear Blast
The End Records
Relapse Records
eMusic (mp3)
iTunes (mp3)


  1. Assfucking hell, I fell in love with the production on this after about four seconds. (Hint: ...and justice for all is my favorite album of all time.) I’m still not sold on this band’s vocals, but the rest is pretty fucking destroying.

    If you see the appeal in the ludicrously rigid drumming and/or impossible rhythm guitar plus no reverb in the mix provided in this tune right here from this album right here, I can wholeheartedly recommend you check out the latest Abigor album, Fractal possession. It has more of a late Dødheimsgard vibe (and i mean a whole fucking lot of it) than an ...and justice for all one, but we’re definitely in similar waters.

    Unrelated: What’s this I see with Bathory on the top of your “My weekly top artists”? Their only good album was Requiem. All rise for drums recorded in a fuckin’ closet!!

    4.21.2008 | By svein

  2. Dude…you NAILED it with your comments on the production.  I picked this up last week, gave it one listen and thought “is there a bass on here?”  I agree…very thin, and the drums and vox seem way up front.  It’s actually making it difficult for me to get into it…

    4.21.2008 | By Andy

  3. You totally nailed it with the production—it’s excellent, save for the bass being too low and the drums a smidge high. But otherwise I like the sound—it’s raw, but it’s clear, which is SUCH a hard balance to strike.

    Also, I just generally agree that this album is awesome!

    4.21.2008 | By Vince Neilstein

  4. good but lacking. what i dont know. its too compressed though…..

    4.21.2008 | By L.Ron

  5. Svein, you’re nuts!  Bathory was fucking great!  I listened to their first six albums straight one day last week at work, ha, ha.  And pretty much EVERYONE knows that “Blood Fire Death” is their best album!

    4.21.2008 | By Andrew Aversionline

  6. Thanks for posting this.  I’ve been waiting months for it and then totally forgot about it.    I’ve got no complaints about the production after several listens.  I’m hearing some hints of Dissection on this track that I hope pop up throughout the album.

    4.21.2008 | By davehazard

  7. I thought The return of the darkness and evil was the “classic!” I seriously never saw much of the appeal with that band though, save for a few really good album covers and Requiem being an all-ruling classic of underproduced destroyage. Years ago I was in a record store in my home town with a friend of mine, and we saw Requiem in the shelf priced at full fucking price even though it had obviously sat in the shop since its release in 1994, dusty like a motherfucker and with probably five or six different price tags on top of each other. I tell my friend, bring that record to the counter and say you’ll buy it for half price. When dude tells you no, say you’ll come back in exactly one year when the record still isn’t sold and ask again. He actually does this, and gets it for 50% off.

    I never really got past everything sounding like it was played in one end of an opera house and recorded in the opera house next door. Too much frivolous reverb and the only thing I can make out is that I have no fucking idea what’s going on. Incidentally I would probably claim the greatest production job I’ve ever heard is Darkthrone’s Goatlord rehearsal tape, so I’m quite obviously completely full of shit and should be ignored most of the time.

    4.21.2008 | By svein

  8. I first learned of Arsis some years ago through this site, and I see/hear that once again you’re right on the money.  The production is indeed compressed like a pancake, though; I want to duck my head, that ceiling is so low.

    4.22.2008 | By Invisible Oranges

  9. Excellent songwriting, horrible production.  The only benefit to this kind of dry, overcompressed sound is that it separates the instruments out so much that you can more easily distinguish what they’re each doing individually, but when the bass is totally buried in the mix, who cares?

    4.22.2008 | By Anonymous

  10. I’ll keep listening, because I’m another big fan of Arsis, but this seems a little…bloodless.  It’s not just the we-forgot-to-mix-the-bass-part sound, but on my first listen I’m hearing a lot of technique at the expense of passion. 

    Does the rest of the album have the conviction of the first two?  Each of them, and the Diamond for Disease EP, was like a massive run-on hate letter.

    4.22.2008 | By Max

  11. I listen a lot to music on my headphones as well and I caught bad tinnitus. I hear the sea when other people hear nothing. And I guess if this continues I’ll hear nothing when other people hear doubtably produced metal albums.
    Anyway I’ll give this a shot but haven’t liked their previous album. As for the bathory issue: Under the sign of the Black Mark is so far the only album I’ve heard but I like that. Check The Howling Wind, Killusion’s latest metal tentative, that’s raw and I seem to like it more than his latest band effort with Unearthly Trance.

    4.23.2008 | By stevhan.ti

  12. Hell, Hot Topic has this album at only $9.99… you’re all schmucks if you just download this shit. Get off your lazy asses and go buy it!

    4.23.2008 | By Ben

  13. oh fuckin nice, dude! I’m definitely diggin’ this shit!! As far as compromising passion for technicality? pfffft You’re crazy!

    4.23.2008 | By Adrianoso

  14. How did this slip under my radar?  Admittedly, I was sorely disappointed by “United in Regret,” but I fuckin’ love “Celebration of Guilt.”  Their production has always been questionable… still, I’m picking this up on my next trip to the record store.

    4.23.2008 | By floodwatch

  15. What a good record. Pity about that dry mix job.

    4.23.2008 | By Erik@teetthofthedivine

  16. Hands down my favorite album of the year! I can see why others wouldn’t like the production, but I personally love it - it really allows you to hear all the technicalities that are going on. And as for that “technicality at the expense of passion” remark, I completely disagree. Yes it’s very technical, but I hear passion oozing and bleeding from this album - fucking stellar, on all fronts.

    4.24.2008 | By Staylow@teethofthedivine

  17. Great album! The production didn’t bother me a bit. I love the use of multiple snare drums as well, particularly on the first track. I need to buy a physical copy, but when the local indie record store is charging 16.99, I can’t afford to. I’m waiting it out though. If Hot Topic has it for 10… maybe I should go to the mall… erg, what a wretched, wretched place.

    4.25.2008 | By Ryan @ Milkweed Records