
Arson Anthem “s/t” CD

Arson Anthem - s/tArson Anthem features quite a fuckin' lineup, what with Mike Williams on vocals, Phil Anselmo on guitar, Collin Yeo on bass, and Hank III on drums, so I'm not even gonna sit here and list off the members' other exploits, because there's a serious problem if you're not already aware of the vast majority of 'em, yeah? The band's debut eight-track EP on Housecore Records was released a few days ago and runs but a mere 11 minutes, ripping and tearing through some absolutely scathing old school-influenced hardcore/punk with little tinges of crossover and some of those generally warped Superjoint Ritual-esque guitar textures thrown in for good measure. Expect loads of blasting beats, plenty of speed (but not without some breathing room), a few dead-on classic 80's hardcore breaks, distorted vocals, a hint of sludge, and a whole lotta dirt 'n' grime. It doesn't sound that bad, but it really is kinda like a hardcore version of "Transilvanian Hunger" from a production standpoint. Initially I definitely found myself wishing that the recording was just a hint more "polished" (for lack of a better term), but now that the songs are growing on me, it's not really an issue. I'll say this, though: They may be aligning their "direction" (in one way or another) with Negative Approach, Poison Idea, Void, etc., but this shit is definitely 10 times harsher, nastier, and more in your face than that style of hardcore/punk. No song hits two minutes, the general vibe is pretty damn unhinged, and they pretty much take care of business and then pack up with no bullshit. The cover art pretty much blows, though, I must say. I don't really give a shit, because there are some raging tunes present (Music first!), but I definitely could've gone for some typical looking black and white Discharge-styled art or something (even if it has been done to death). I dunno, fuck it. This is good stuff in my book, so I'll be looking forward to hearing more and seeing where this project heads down the road...

Arson Anthem "Wrecked Like Clockwork"

Get It (CD) (mp3)


  1. I definitely dug this and will be doing my own review soon, and don’t want to give too much away, but those SUPERJOINT guitar textures (and fills) just made it.  At times they were sublime enough to almost approach SOILENT GREENT territory.  Without them, it would have just been a really good crossover record.

    2.21.2008 | By Johnny

  2. I was wondering if still held up as much for you as did on that first listen.  I read a REALLY harsh review of this record last night in a “high profile” metal mag and was almost surprised by it.  I don’t really know what that person was expecting, but even my initial response (which wasn’t as positive, it took a few listens to kick in for me) wasn’t that brutally opposed to it at all.  I haven’t really seen any other feedback on this one at all, so I have no idea what the “general consensus” seems to be…

    2.21.2008 | By Andrew Aversionline

  3. Yeah, I have no idea what they were expecting then.  I guess because some of the baggage of the members’ previous work that maybe they expected other things, but as a straight up punk-metal (to borrow Rise and Fall’s term) album, it was a completely solid effort and sounded fresh to these ears.  Also good to see 3 can make it at something other than the threadbare minstrel act.

    2.21.2008 | By Johnny

  4. fuck a more polished recording - this shit is filthy in the best possible way!

    2.21.2008 | By Avi

  5. heh, nice “surprise”. I didn’t know Phil Anselmo could even play the guitar… let alone write good riffs.

    2.21.2008 | By anonymous

  6. I picked this up this morning. It’s not what I was expecting from the people involved in the band, but it’s pretty fucking good.

    2.22.2008 | By Carlzilla

  7. Hmmmmm, band kinda sucks based on this song.  I’d never even knew they existed until now,  honestly.  Those riff transitions are really awkward and terrible.  I love EHG but there are barely any vocals on this.  Maybe I should check out other tracks somewhere…..

    2.25.2008 | By Justin

  8. >I didn’t know Phil Anselmo could even play the guitar…

    i didn’t even know he was alive. thought he went the layne staley route after the way he sounded on the last down album.

    this shit is dirrrty. but i’m kind of with justin on this one.

    2.26.2008 | By chris

  9. i thought if this is an indicator of their material i want more.

    2.28.2008 | By mike