
Song of the Day: Black Sails, “Shelter Drawings,” from What Belongs to the Gallows (Self-Released, 2015)

Black Sails is from Zagreb, Croatia, and the monolithic "Shelter Drawings" comes from their succinct and powerful debut full-length, What Belongs to the Gallows. Think dark, metallic hardcore/punk that walks a line between His Hero is Gone/Tragedy and the kind of thing that would fit in nicely on the Deathwish Inc. roster (as this album certainly would).

Bits and pieces of crusty D-beat rhythms beneath gloomy melodies and slightly caustic textures create a frantic sense of energetic tension. Great production and visual/lyrical aesthetic, too.

Younger me
Am I still what you thought I'd be?
Your beacon of hope exiled
Among the solitary
You know I tried
This skin has scars
Youth, can you see?
This storm is drowning me...

It's clear that this band has a certain vision in mind, and I'm already looking forward to seeing where they take it next...