The latest from Holy Terror Records is "The Seven Fat Years are Over", the long-awaited debut 12" EP from Blind to Faith, which tears through eight excellent tracks in less than 17 minutes. Expect absolutely ripping hardcore/punk that's actually a little faster and more furiously intense (in a straightforward, blasting hardcore manner) than many listeners might expect, while an almost Celtic Frost-like vibe provides a counter to the speed by injecting a forceful midpaced churn to several of the compositions. The recording is completely awesome as well, boasting an insanely crisp/clear mix and a badass guitar tone that surprisingly has some of that Sunlight Studio sound to it, thus lending a classic Swedish death metal edge to the material without the songs sounding at all like Swedish death metal. It's basically over in a flash, but certainly calls for repeated listening thanks to the explosive fury of the delivery, and I can't recommend this enough. The vinyl comes handsomely packaged in a sleeve that utilizes lots of subtle gloss printing, and while I haven't played the actual vinyl yet due to lack of time, I'm told the 12" is curiously "reverse mastered" so that the grooves run from the center to the outside. Nice little touches to keep you on your toes!
Blind to Faith "Blood Like Water"
To my shock the pre-orders didn't sell out, so you can still get your hands on one of the first 250 copies of this gem—which includes the limited edition Integrity/AVM split 7" that I wrote about a few weeks ago. Apparently the 7" is actually "parallel mastered", so rather than playing from start to finish, each song on each side of the record runs parallel to the other, so you have to choose which song to listen to one at a time. Bizarre!
I'll be stunned if the remaining pre-orders last through the end of the month, so make the grab while you still can...
I found this just OK. But your log “Weekly Top Artists” totally cracks me up. Hello, ‘90s!
6.18.2009 | By Invisible Oranges
Just sent in my pre-order. Worth it if not just for the Integ track.
6.18.2009 | By John Hasson
Record is the Supreme! I would prefer it to RAF if could i.
6.21.2009 | By Azakari, H.
Love the songs they put on their Myspace. Cannot wait for the record any longer….
I would have recommended “Mountains of Gold” being uploaded over “Blood Like Water” but eh, different strokes.
All hail BTF!
6.21.2009 | By Thoren
I was actually gonna post “Mountains of Gold”, but it was one of the longest tracks on a relatively short EP, so… I opted for one of the other songs they’ve got on the MySpace page instead.
6.21.2009 | By Andrew Aversionline
ordered it mostly because of Integrity songs although this band sounds great!
6.22.2009 | By Carlos
a-okay, the celtic frost copy part is lame…
6.22.2009 | By knorkeborke
6.22.2009 | By Andrew Aversionline
This thing kills! Love the record.. love way the thing sounds.. most stuff like this gets overproduced. This things sounds raw and pure.. the way this shit should sounds..
6.22.2009 | By Ronny
I can’t wait to get this in the mail.
Also, have you heard any of the new Kickback material? Talk about evil. I can’t wait to get the whole thing.
6.22.2009 | By Tyrone
Big surprise that this band would have a Celtic frost influence? I didn’t really jump outta my seat for that one. Mountains of gold is LUDICROUS, I’m looking heavily forward to seing this one pop up in the postman’s bag.
7.1.2009 | By esq.
Yeah Tyrone, you can listen to the best song on my blog.
7.2.2009 | By Rod
I would really like this, but fuck @ Dwid’s pricing, 50 quid for a record, no thanks.
7.11.2009 | By Jack
Isn’t $16.66 like £10 or something? And that’s for a 12” and a 7”.
7.11.2009 | By Andrew Aversionline
Ordered it through friend.
7.12.2009 | By Jack
I’m still waiting for mine in the mail. Do you know if these have shipped yet?
7.12.2009 | By John Hasson
I haven’t seen it yet either.
7.31.2009 | By sir gent
I got an email about 4 or 5 days ago from the label. Said the last wave of shipments were going out this past weekend. I’m still waiting on mine as of today. I have patience, though, ha.
7.31.2009 | By John Hasson
Got e-mail from HT today saying record is shipped.
8.4.2009 | By Dude
Likewise, had to press him though.
8.5.2009 | By Jack
Got this in the mail today, ultimate first impressions follow:
* Nice spot glossing
* Wonderin’ why there’s a Raël symbol on the AVM side of the 7”
* Loving how the 7” and the 12” are numbered the same
* BTF is a very, very angry band
8.8.2009 | By Short plank gentleman
Got it in today. It’s beautiful. Was worth the wait.
8.17.2009 | By John Hasson
got it last week it is infuckingdeed bloody awesome. it rips and roars and delivers on all fronts. it’s surprisingly varied for its brevity and as of today available for free download from
1.24.2010 | By stevhan.ti
Been playing this record in loop lately, it rages in all cardinal directions. Every song is a goddamn death trip. Much suggested that everyone picks the FREE FUCKING DOWNLOAD at
Also, check out vidio from BTF first show, hella sick shit:
3.10.2010 | By Monster at the Meadowlands