Here's another long lost gem that I've been meaning to post about for quite some time now. I mean, am I the only one that ever liked this damn band or something? 'Cause it always seemed like very few people even knew this duo existed, and that always confused the shit outta me. Formed by Napalm Death bassist Shane Embury (who handled all the music) and Sick of it All vocalist Lou Koller, Blood From the Soul was what I guess you'd classify as an "industrial" side project, and this was their sole release. (Though rumor has it there's going to be a second, very different, album at some point, with Mirai from Sigh instead of Lou. This does not interest me in the least. Maybe that makes me an asshole, but sometimes I can live with that.) Released by Earache in early-1994 (within the same general period that Mitch Harris did the first Meathook Seed album with some of the Obituary guys, which I posted about a couple years ago), I never really knew much background information about what brought this album to fruition, but it didn't matter! I was probably about 16 years old, Napalm Death was still riding the wave of what remains my favorite of their albums to this day ("Utopia Banished"), as was Sick of it All with the absolutely classic "Just Look Around" (not to mention that they were probably my favorite hardcore band, period, at the time), and that was all I needed to know. I was sold.
I wasn't a huge fan of "industrial" music (never really have been), but I dug some Ministry stuff, and actually thought this material was even better by comparison. Perhaps because it wasn't going for that grating kind of "crispy" distortion sound or anything, but still employed some of the staple samples, sparse electronics, and drum programming. Whatever the case, there's a lot of cool shit happening in terms of unexpectedly dark, twisted riffing, plenty of tempo changes, and generally gnarly atmospherics that fit the whole vibe of the album fairly well. I feel like a lot of side projects these days leave me feeling quite unsatisfied, but both of these guys really kind of stepped outside of what they were thought of as doing at the time, and the end result doesn't particularly sound anything like what Napalm Death or Sick of it All were known for back then, though it should appeal to open-minded fans of both (which is why it always blew my mind that so few people seemed to know about this album). Shane Embury really displays some fucking talent on this one too, 'cause there are just loads of killer riffs all over the place, and there's a real sense of feeling and emotion to the style of the compositions that colors things up nicely and catches your ear in a manner unlike any other band I can think of, which is pretty damn intriguing—even after all these years. Such an underrated record, this one... I just can't make sense of the world.
Blood From the Soul "The Image and the Helpless"
Blood From the Soul "Suspension of My Disbelief"
Cold and indifferent. A state of burnt offerings. Above it all I lie condemned. Confused and isolated. A thousand lost souls. Their only guidance? No guidance. No guidance at all. Force-fed the notion. Like an impure dream. Refined, dissected, rejected. Just a smile secures my innocence in pursuit of the ideal lie... the ideal lie.
And what's an Aversionline "classic" if it's not available at Amazon for a fucking penny!? It never fails, man! It never fails...
I talked to Lou about this last year and he said that he wants to do another one and they talked about it, it was all a matter of finding the time that they could do it. He was really anxious to talk about it because no one else ever talked to him about it.
2.8.2008 | By Eddie
THAT would be awesome. I wasn’t enthusiastic at all to read that an album was planned under the Blood From the Soul name with the dude from Sigh instead, as that’s just not the same at all. But if the same two got together for another record I’d be psyched as hell to see what came of it…
2.8.2008 | By Andrew Aversionline
You and I both, brother.
Oh, your wish came true. Only Living Witness is doing a reunion show in Boston in June.
A few friends and I are traveling up for it.
2.8.2008 | By Eddie
I bought this when it came out years ago as well simply because Shane and Lou were the band. I have to admit that I didn’t care for it to much where as I thought the first Meathook Seed (bought that one directly from Mitch at a ND show - Utopia Banished tour) fucking destroyed.
Personally, if the dude from Sigh is on the new one, I’d be all over that shit as Lou’s vocals just didn’t do it for me on this release at all.
2.8.2008 | By Dan
great stuff man, great stuff…
2.9.2008 | By Anonymous
there are so many classics for $.01 on amazon. for example, i got both Crazytown albums AND the Shifty Shellshock solo album for a total of $.74- i got ripped off, i know, but it was worth it.
2.9.2008 | By sergeant d
sounds like old godflesh/fear factory in a rocked out version, good stuff. :)
2.9.2008 | By videodrone
Great post as I have searched the web for info on this band over the years and found very little. I got the record just after it came out - I still think it is awesome… especially THAT riff in ‘Suspension of my disbelief’! Lou’s voice was really scathing around the time of Just Look Around and it really fitted the music here. Hopefully Shane will stick to a similar formula on any second album… I mean, how different were the two Meathook Seed albums?!
2.11.2008 | By Adam G
This rules.
2.11.2008 | By Carlzilla
Blood From the Soul is nice—bleak, soulful stuff. And I remember really liking Shane’s similar project Malformed Earthborn with the Brutal Truth guys.
Oh, the Meathook Seed releases are totally different. These guys don’t quit with the endless projects. Jesse Pintado played me a demo once of songs he’d written on a second-hand violin!
Here’s Mitch and Shane’s Little Giant Drug, some Pink Floyd inspired rock (for a change?):
2.13.2008 | By Ian Christe
Holy crap, this was awesome. I’ve loved pretty much every Napalm Death side project, but I haven’t heard this one. It’s pretty much sticking Lou Koller straight into mid-era Napalm Death, but with some Godflesh touches, and “Suspension” even has some Killing Joke/Joy Division vibes to it. I just ordered this from Amazon. Totally made my day!
2.18.2008 | By Invisible Oranges