
Song of the Day: Bohica, “Bitter,” from Wait Here (Local Colour, 2014)

If you dig that grungy, morose type of "post-pop-punk" that Title Fight and such bands have been gravitating towards, then Bohica is yet another UK group (such as Simmer) worth investigating. The band released a promising single called "Dry" towards the end of the summer, and now they're back with their debut EP, Wait Here.

This style seems to be catching on quite a bit these days, and I'm all for it, 'cause a number of bands are really nailing the delivery. "Bitter," for example, is the lead track from Bohica's latest, and hums along at a nice, midpaced pulse—with some excellent droning vocals during the chorus that sold me on the EP a little over minute into my first listen. Awesome.

Wait Here is available on cassette from Local Colour Records, or via Bandcamp for a mere £0.50 (which equates to less than a buck), so hop to it!