By far one of the most painfully underrated albums ever released by Revelation Records was "The Last of the Daydreams", the 1999 debut full-length from Vancouver, Canada's By a Thread. The band was formed in 1996 by ex-members of metallic hardcore outfit Strain (who I was never a big fan of, truth be told), and later went on to release split CD's with Waterdown in 2002 (I've actually never heard this one—anyone got it?) and Still Life Projector in 2004. But this album in particular is an absolute fucking masterpiece of heavy, hard-hitting emo/indie rock, and still deserves more attention to this day.
It wasn't until about four years ago that this record really clicked with me, but when it did I was completely hooked, and listened to this disc in my old CD player/alarm clock damn near every night as I was falling asleep for like six months straight, maybe more. No joke. For one thing, the recording has that density to it that I really love when it comes to the more melodic, emo-ish side of things, as it accentuates the chunkiness of some of the riffs and really beefs up the overall delivery of the material with some added heaviness. But make no mistake, the bulk of the tracks are fairly midpaced and blatantly melodic, with emphatic singing and just the right amount of vocal harmonies making for a strong balance of feeling and catchiness. It's weird, because in a lot of ways it's textbook late-90's emo/indie sounding stuff, but at the same time I feel like By a Thread had something of a unique sound, and I wouldn't exactly compare them to any other bands off the top of my head or anything. At the end of the day, though, it's all about killer songs, plain and simple. See for yourselves:
By a Thread "Surface"
By a Thread "Walkway"
And here's a "bonus" track from the "Revelation 100: A 15 Year Retrospective of Rare Recordings" compilation that came out back in 2002, as this is without question one of the band's finest songs (it's my personal favorite, in fact):
And what kills my life is that apparently these dudes have had a new fuckin' full-length done and mastered for, like, a god damn year now! I thought Revelation was supposed to release it, but apparently the band is in "contractual talks" and attempting to "sort out things"—granted said statements come from a MySpace blog post dated last summer! They've since uploaded a few tracks from said currently unreleased album, and all the shit's great, so... I don't know what the god damn deal is, but someone needs to release that record pronto. There's just no excuse. Great music can't just rot away on a fucking shelf somewhere!
In the meantime, you can pick up "The Last of the Daydreams" new or used in various formats (it's around a buck used on right now), so... get to it if you like what you hear. It's a damn shame this band wasn't hailed more significantly nearly 10 years ago when this jam originally dropped. Maybe they'll get a fairer shot if that new material ever sees the light. Let's hope so...
Get It
Revelation Records
Very Distribution (mp3)
Such a good band. Got to see them a number of times back in the day. Will have to listen to this when I get home tonight.
3.28.2008 | By Hardcore Shirt
i still listen to strain’s “here & now” on a regular basis - now there is a criminally underrated 90s band!
3.28.2008 | By Ben
Great. Another band I slept on. Thanks again Andrew. Good stuff.
3.28.2008 | By Pim
I loved this all these years ago. Havenðt listined to it for years. Infact this was one of the first cd’s I ordered for my distro back in 99 when I had just started it.
This makes me wanna dig up that cd.
3.30.2008 | By Birkir
I imagine a few people saw the band name and Revelation label and picked this up expecting Inside Out style hardcore! I always found this album to be just OK - a little one dimensional maybe - that track where they pick up the pace (The World To Me, I think) is a nice break from the mid-paced stuff.
3.31.2008 | By Adam G
I found this used yesterday while I was picking the new Cursed and decided to grab it based on this review. I’ve already listened to it three times from start to finish and I can’t wait to leave work so I can listen to it again. Great recomendation.
4.2.2008 | By Jason SLC
i’m a little late in responding to this, but… i actually dug this shit the second the chorus of “surface” set in. so i’ve checked the whole album out: might be a little one-dimensional (with “the world to me” being a nice change of pace - and a great song too), but if that one dimension is great - who gives a shit? nice thick sound too. figures it came out in the ‘90s. “emo” bands don’t sound like this anymore.
a great find, many thanks!
4.15.2008 | By chris
The drummer was a beast. he had awesome riffs.
11.14.2008 | By Anonymous