
Calhoun Conquer “Lost in Oneself” CD

Calhoun Conquer - Lost in OneselfThis is the first time I've ever posted about something that I don't even own an original copy of (which pains me to no end, believe me), but it's so fucking hard to find this album on CD, and it seems to sell for $35+ every time it hits eBay, which is just insane. Roderic Mounir from Knut turned me onto Calhoun Conquer earlier this year (for which I am eternally grateful, thank you) and I was immediately floored by their incredibly unique and innovative brand of off-the-wall progressive thrash, with its twisted melodic riffs and zippy picking patterns, not to mention intriguing vocals and gorgeously jazzy lead passages.

These guys must seriously be one of the most obscure bands ever to have walked the planet, so I really don't know very much about them at all. They formed in Switzerland sometime during the 80's, releasing an EP called "...And Now You're Gone" in 1987 as the duo of Geri Christian Gerling and Stefan Gerling, who were joined by Chris Muzik on guitar for their sole full-length, "Lost in Oneself", which came out in 1989 on the Aaarrg label. I believe both recordings featured a drum machine, though the band did work with live drummers for performances. But the bottom line is just that this is amazing material, and it seems like very few people have even heard of this band. I was certainly disappointed that it wasn't until recently that I was exposed to their work, that's for sure. I don't even know what else to say, this shit is just weird, but I totally fuckin' love it:

Calhoun Conquer "You Mean Nothing"
Calhoun Conquer "Outermost Consequences"

I've been trying to track these guys down all year, because someone badly needs to reissue this fucking material in my opinion, but no one, including the dude that put this record out in 1989, seems to have any clue where these guys are today. My fingers are crossed that someone in the know will stumble upon this write-up and get in touch with me, so... please do if you have any information! Or if you want to sell me a copy of this CD or the EP, because I've never even heard the damn EP! Seriously... help me out on this! Thanks...


  1. i know their drummer used to play in mekong delta (another great progressive thrash metal band) but thats about it. these 2 tracks kinda remind me of voivod actually. good stuff

    7.21.2006 | By Anonymous

  2. just thouight id let you know, there is a copy of the ep and lp on ebay as of today for 15$ buy it now. no luck witht the cd tho. this is indeed strange material. not my bag but still interesting.

    7.21.2006 | By chris

  3. You said it. WEIRD…I cant say I’m really gellin with it. I don’t know. Im not really diggin the vocals too much either.

    7.21.2006 | By Adrianoso

  4. Meh, geek-metal, but not too bad.

    7.21.2006 | By Anonymous

  5. I’m diggin these guys alot. very weird indeed, but there’s somethin about em that keeps me glued to their sound

    7.22.2006 | By Steve

  6. Never heard of this band before but you can bet I’ll be looking out for a copy of this in the coming months.  Semi-reminiscent of Voivod or Killing Joke, but certainly unique.

    7.23.2006 | By adam hellbound

  7. Sounds like the singer from ‘Yakuza’ very similar vocals!

    LP is on ebay for like $15

    7.23.2006 | By Thomas

  8. I bought this one on LP back in the day but fortunately managed to get hold of a CD as well.
    Think they might have been on tour with Coroner or something back in the days and I’ll probably say that that’s the closest connection music wise as well.

    8.7.2006 | By Anonymous

  9. I would love to get this album! I got the original tape back in the days and I loved it too much. I hope anybody can come up with more information.

    11.27.2006 | By munzer

  10. Hi there,

    I was looking for the cover artwork for Calhoun Conquer’s “Lost In Onself” and I found your blog. I am currently uploading my transfer from cassette from original vinyl to my blog. If you’re still interested in obtaining a copy, though it’s not the best quality, of course, the cassette is nearly 20 years old!! You may still want to get it just to hear the album in its entirety.

    I’ve always loved this band. Ever since I was introduced to them via a friend from the Netherlands. I’ve never seen the CD in my life. I do also have an ep that I plan to upload as well. Awesome cyber-metal, futuristic sounds!!!


    Take care,

    Awa Zag

    5.25.2007 | By Awkwardist

  11. ich habe die band einige male live erlebt (z.b. 1991 mit poison idea)...

    ... war absolut genial und unvergesslich!
    es gibt übrigens noch unveröffentlichtes song-material NACH “lost in oneself”!!!
    ich bin im besitz eines tapes davon, welches ich seinerzeit vom drummer von babylon sad bekommen habe!!! absolut super-rar (inkl. king crimson-coverversion, hehe!)!!!!!!!

    7.12.2007 | By folienbär

  12. Hallo folienbär,

    lst das material vielleicht das damals angekundigte album “Consequences of death” ? Das is ganz bestimmt ein Sammlerstuck, Ich bin interessiert. Das ist schon sehr lange auf meine Suchliste.

    And now in English: Is this material probably the album Consequences of death, that was announced in those days? That material is certainly something special. I’m very interested. It has been on my got to have list for ages.

    Greetings from Holland.

    10.7.2008 | By Havees