I also reviewed a demo from Brazilian grinders Expose Your Hate around three years ago, and a couple of those songs have been re-recorded here on "Hatecult"—their debut full-length released by Black Hole Productions. For those unfamiliar, these guys crank out some raging death/grind with socio-political lyrics that attack religion, the media, ecological issues, and then some. The vocals on this outing are still all over the place from sneering screams to lower growls, but whereas the demo was a little more straightforward in its speedy delivery of rather traditional grindcore, this record brings in a lot more of a death metal vibe from a musical standpoint. The riffing maintains a largely high-speed attack, but they'll also throw in the occasional dissonant break or a few slightly harsher and more chaotic angles as well, and that variety helps to add interest and keep things moving. Although, at the end of the day they're still plowing through 17 songs in barely over a half-hour, so there's not much messing around to be had here... and when it comes to grindcore that's how I like it!
Expose Your Hate "Corrosion of Truth"
Expose Your Hate "Appreciate the Dying Planet"
It's a shame so many bands from outside the US can tend to have such a hard time getting listeners to take notice over here, but I think Expose Your Hate has a lot of potential to please fans of straight up grind that tend to prefer acts with a contemporary edge that aren't just rehashing the true classics. So pick this one up if you're into it, and spread the word:
Black Hole Productions
Razorback Records
@ Relapse Records
I'm glad to see so many people enjoyed the power of "The Juice" yesterday. I can only wish said "Juice" was mighty enough to have prevented me from ever returning to work. I really need to start playing the fucking lottery...
this stuff is brutal.
andrew, might i make a suggestion on material to cover?
the virginia band channel which had nate newton of converge fame as a member. i havent been able to track down any music of theres and am curious as to what the hub bub is about.
also another nate newton projoct jesuit. a truely great band. probly THEE loudest band ive ever seen.
just a suggestion.
6.29.2006 | By chris
That stuff from Claustrofobia is amazing—please do not forget to give us some help as to where to find, thanks!
6.29.2006 | By Anonymous
Chris: I have a rip of the Channel 7”
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I have the Jesuit demo, but I need to figure out how to rip cassettes
6.29.2006 | By slavis
Holy FUCK! Claustrofobia is fuckin insane! I absolutely love the vocal work in “Eu Quero e Que se Foda.”
6.29.2006 | By Adrianoso