More Swedish black metal comes in the form of Svartsyn's "Bloodline", from Sound Riot Records. Released for the first time on CD in late-2005, "Bloodline" was actually recorded in 1997/1998 and released as a double-LP five or six years ago. So, even though it's coming out on CD a couple of years after their fourth full-length, it's actually their second album—with the two tracks from the "Tormentor" 7" (1998) tacked on as a bonus. This one sticks fairly closely to the standards of the genre in terms of relying largely on moderate speed and harsh chord progressions with only minor dashes of dissonant melody in the guitar work. On rare occasion there are a couple of relatively insignificant keyboard flourishes, but that's not something that stands out or gets in the way at all. Dating back eight or nine years, the recording suffers in a couple of minor areas from a sharp guitar tone that has a mildly unnatural bite to it, but thankfully this is something that only springs up as somewhat of a hitch in the listening experience a handful of times throughout the album, which is otherwise a very competently delivered slab of tried and true black metal. Though, amusingly, Svartsyn is perhaps the only black metal band in existence to have included a MySpace URL in their CD booklet!?
Svartsyn "Terrordemon"
Svartsyn "From Haunted Depths"
As usual, if this is something that meets your tastes, pick it up:
i read a review on digitalmetal about the craft album saying how its so long, boring and uncreative. i think it even said “only for the most grimmest and most patient black metal fan.” well, i guess we’re among the grimmest since i think this band and record are fucking awesome.
2.13.2006 | By heh
Anyone who would write such a thing about that Craft record should not be reviewing black metal in my opinion. I cannot fathom an actual fan of black metal making such statements, it just doesn’t make sense.
2.13.2006 | By Andrew Aversionline
Arckanum is a one-man project, just thought it would be fun to know for those who don’t. ^^
And yes the band rules.
I really dig the split w/ Svartsyn, Arckanum just persistantly hammer the riffs into your mind. Me like!
2.13.2006 | By swede
Speaking of black metal, Have you heard Deathspell Omega’s “Kenose”? Seriously some of the best shit I’ve heard. Take Radar Swarm metalcore and combine it with marduk(in the vocals and some of the riffs) style black metal. Check it out, I’m sure you’ll dig it.
One other band that I have never heard you mention on this blog or in any review, is Leviathan(U.S.). “Tentacles of Whorror” is one of my favorite black metal albums. Awesome stuff. A great production, cool looking cover and nothing too cheesy in content.
2.15.2006 | By Zach
Yeah, the Deathspell Omega is good shit, but honestly I’ve not liked much of what I’ve heard from any of Leviathan’s releases. And funnily enough I fucking hate the cover art for “Tentacles of Whorror”, which I also think is an awful album title (as is “Howl Mockery at the Cross”). But then again, it’s not like black metal is known for great titles, ha, ha.
I think I heard some stuff off “The Tenth Sublevel of Suicide” that I liked a little, but I’m not sure. After the first 5 - 6 various tracks I sampled from the band didn’t do anything for me I kind of gave up.
2.16.2006 | By Andrew Aversionline
the Craft tracks sound a bit more rock influenced than their last album. kinda reminds me of Khold.
have you heard “Krek”, the latest Khold?
i like it! nice dry production, very prominent basslines & some of the lamest drum fills i’ve heard since their last record.
2.17.2006 | By Fredrik
I can’t really understand the adulation for the new Craft. It’s okay, but it doesn’t compare at all (IMO) to Terror Propaganda, which was beautiful. This new one sounds tired and uninspired to me…
2.17.2006 | By Anonymous
I only have one Khold CD (not the new one), but I do quite like it. I’ve been meaning to grab the others but haven’t done so just yet.
2.17.2006 | By Andrew Aversionline
Harmonics (featured in every sample): tottaly untrue (untroo).
How do you figure following a “grim” black metal riff with “Doo-DOO-DEE!”! ADHD is pandemic if musical trends are an indicator.
2.20.2006 | By Third of The Storms
I picked up Craft today based on the strength of the mp3’s you posted. The haters probably feel BM has to be poorly produced to keep it cult but i love the sound. Its got a death metal beefiness to it that really helps the midtempo pounding. The band obviously put alot of work into the songwriting and recording, seriously this is a great disc. Thanks for turning me on to it.
2.25.2006 | By kountchokula
I just checked out a bunch of reviews referenced above and i am blown away at how Crafts disc seems to be universally reviled. Its like there’s a vendetta against the band or something. Whatever , I think the disc kills.
2.25.2006 | By kountchokula