
Crime in Stereo, Counting the Days, Set Your Goals, and Changing Face…

Crime in Stereo - The ContractCrime in Stereo's "The Contract" (on Blackout! Records) has been sitting here for quite a long time but I think I was lazy about listening to it because I'm not too wild on the band name, and I'm really weird about shit like that sometimes. Plus, it's only a four-song/nine-minute EP, and I rarely listen to EP's, so I kept putting it off for far too long like an idiot since I really didn't know what to expect. Well, this is actually really damn good overtly melodic hardcore that almost has a pop-punk sort of edge to it that's chock full of the kinds of dissonant little arpeggio riffs and thrashy picking patterns that I totally love. Really energetic and catchy songwriting, too. This band actually reminds me of The Movielife on some level, which is perhaps no coincidence seeing as they're both from Long Island, it's just that the music here has a little more of that classic era Fat Wreck kind of sound happening with some of the riffing. I guess the recording could use a hint more brightness, but that's not a problem, these songs totally rule and I'm certainly going to be tracking down more from these cats.

Crime in Stereo "New Harlem Shuffle"

It often surprises people that I like this kind of stuff, but holy shit am I all over it when it's done right, and I don't think I've heard it done this right in awhile. I believe Crime in Stereo has a new full-length coming out this month on a bigger label, so I won't be surprised if they start making some noise, and I'll definitely need to pick that one up soon. If you dig 'em I suggest you do the same, and in the meantime you can grab this killer EP for a very fair $5 or $6:

Blackout! Records
@ Very Distribution

Counting the Days - Finding a BalanceThe Strike First Records roster seems to be kind of hit and miss with me, but what I believe is the debut full-length from Maryland's Counting the Days, "Finding a Balance", is one of the best albums I've heard from the label. It's a quick one, 12 tracks (plus an unlisted song that I imagine is one of the band's earlier works) in about 31 minutes, and only one track tops three minutes in length, but a promising start for a band that's been around less than two years at this point (they started out under the name Black Out sometime in 2004). They're basically taking a modern edge to traditional hardcore, so expect basic chord progressions and moderate speeds with strong midpaced breaks given a more contemporary sound with a pretty over the top form of yelling/screaming vocals and just the right amount of dissonant melody. Honestly it's nothing new, but I really enjoy this style of hardcore, and as is generally the case with such bands the material has a certain level of energy that works for me, and that's what leaves a mark.

Counting the Days "Nowhere to Turn"
Counting the Days "Flatline"

I'm into it, and for whatever reason this one seems to sell for a bit cheaper than I'm used to seeing these days, which is always awesome. So make the grab if it suits your tastes, too:

Very Distribution

Set Your Goals - ResetFor whatever reason I was expecting almost straight up old school hardcore from San Francisco's Set Your Goals, so I was pretty surprised when I tossed in the "Reset" EP from Eulogy Recordings and, not unlike Crime in Stereo, was greeted with blatantly melodic hardcore that has that pop-punk sort of edge happening. The riffs are pretty straightforward with this one, and there is a decent amount of relatively traditional hardcore given a modern facelift, whereas these dudes tend to throw in loads of octave chords as opposed to getting into many varying picking patterns or whatnot. There are a couple of rough spots in terms of the performances and the recording, but barely, though tightening things up just a smidge could pay off in the future. Some of the vocal tradeoffs (which almost sound like guest spots at times) and harmonies seem a touch overbearing, however, which isn't a big deal, but I actually find that approach to distract from the flow of the songs at times. "Latch Key" is a fucking killer song though, and this band could probably be pretty huge if they wrote more material that hit on that level of catchiness. They even close with a great cover of Jawbreaker's "Do You Still Hate Me?", which is good stuff, I wasn't expecting that. Apparently this EP is basically a re-release of their demo, so I'll really be looking forward to their forthcoming full-length.

Set Your Goals "Latch Key"

I didn't know this wasn't out yet, but I guess tomorrow's the big day, so... all I can do for now is provide a link to the label's online store, where you should be able to grab this disc tomorrow if you're into it:

@ Eulogy Recordings

Changing Face - Our Last ChanceAnd if the above selections offer too much melody for you, perhaps Changing Face (another California act) might do the trick with their debut EP, "Our Last Chance", on Escapist Records. This is seven tracks in just under 20 minutes of raw and in your face metallic hardcore with no frills whatsoever: Just blown out shouting and chunky power chords with a couple of slightly faster breaks. The recording needs a little cleaning up in terms of balancing the vocals against the music, but I'm sort of torn because I really like the subtle dirtiness in the guitar tone even though I find myself wishing the crunch were a bit more fluid. Some of that ruggedness is probably related to the performances rather than the actual tone, but these cats could definitely do some damage as they continue to grow. This is a solid debut, and it's always nice to see bands sticking to this 90's style of metalcore.

Changing Face "Dead End"

If you dig it, pick it up, and keep an eye out for the tribute compilation that Escapist Records is currently putting together for the almighty Integrity:

Very Distribution


  1. Set Your Goals is outstanding stuff, its just so catchy. Can’t wait for their new album to come out later.  Changing Face is pretty good heavy hardcore, obviously not reinventing the wheel, but it packs a nice punch.

    4.10.2006 | By Anonymous

  2. enjoyed counting the days.  set your goals is awesome, hopefully they can back it up with a good full length…

    4.10.2006 | By wes

  3. chaging face is something i will def. check out, nothing earth shatteringly new but good stuff and I am now very excited about the Set Your Goals full length… did anyone discuss this name coming from Civ?  Or is this unrelated?

    4.11.2006 | By chris

  4. A lot of their press stuff compares them to Civ, so I assumed that’s where the name came from, but I’m not 100% sure so I didn’t bother mentioning it, heh…

    4.11.2006 | By Andrew Aversionline

  5. Thanks, just curious, speaking of being excited about upcoming releases, is anyone else looking forward to the debut full-length from This Is Hell as much as I am?

    4.11.2006 | By chris

  6. I sing for the band Changing Face, just wanted to say thanks for the review!

    4.23.2006 | By Anonymous

  7. Those new Set Your Goals demo tracks that have leaked are soooo good.

    My old band played with Changing Face on tour like a year and a half ago and they were good dudes. It’s good to see they’re doing big things now.

    5.9.2006 | By Joaquí­n