In my opinion the Cro-Mags are one of the greatest bands ever to have set foot on this ridiculous planet, and I stand firmly by every single record they've released (okay, admittedly a little less firmly for "Near Death Experience" than the rest). "Alpha—Omega" marks the second completely underrated post-heyday Cro-Mags album that I've ranted and raved about on this site, and is perhaps their most "controversial" effort in terms of all the rumors and drama surrounding its creation. But throughout all of the lineup changes, the accusations of who wrote what, arguments over who sang what, and all that other shit, all I can say is: I don't give a fuck. Sure, if some of that mess is actually true then people were slighted along the way, and that sucks, but shit happens... and at the end of the day this album fuckin' rips, so as a fan that's all I really care about.
Call it metal. Call it metallic hardcore. Again: I don't care. The songs are just amazing, man! Yeah, it's basically a total metal record complete with ripping solos and thrashy picking patterns with wicked riffs galore and nary a hardcore break in sight, but those hardcore breaks are there, as are such influences lyrically and in terms of the overall attitude. And laugh all you want at the fact that a couple of the tracks have some record scratching and loosely hip-hop-inspired vocal arrangements (namely "Eyes of Tomorrow"). First off, it was fuckin' 1992, not 2002; and beyond that, the shit doesn't even sound particularly cheesy anyway! And the breakdown about 1:28 into "Eyes of Tomorrow" is without question one of the greatest breaks in the history of all living things! You just can't fuck with that, I don't care what anyone says. Every song on this record kicks ass, and I still flip out over this shit just as much today as I did when I was a 15-year-old kid.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to say this album is on par with the historical significance of the band's golden age. "Age of Quarrel" is an indisputable classic and one of the most important hardcore records of all time. But when a band reaches such classic status with an album like that, the rest of their catalog—especially records that come years after the fact with lineup changes and loads of drama in tow—is all too easily disregarded or overlooked, and especially by hardcore "purists" who shun most forms of "progression" or deviation from that central foundation. So all I'm saying is, I know there are a lot of motherfuckers out there who've refused to listen to this record over the years, as well as numerous youngsters who probably don't even know or care of its existence, and that ain't the way to go out, people. Give these jams a shot. I totally love this record and listen to it all the time to this day. By far one of the most criminally lambasted albums of all time. I just don't understand how people can be so insane...
Buy it. Just fucking buy it. You know it rules, you know you love it, and you know it deserves a home in your collection. Correct the problem and pick one up:
I totally LOVE this record as well.
Great songs. Good post Andrew!
JJ talks about the record on his audiobook as well. Something like (don’t know what he said exactly anymore) Harley mixing the vocals like this so he could do the tour for the album without JJ.
12.22.2006 | By Pim
I can’t wait to get the printed version of that book when it drops next year. I’m really curious to read it. I think Harley’s writing a book too, right? Should be fuckin’ great.
12.22.2006 | By Andrew Aversionline
Yeah I’m looking forward to the printed version of the book as well. It will differ from the audio book a bit as he hadn’t had enough time to tell all the stories on the CD (5 hours wasn’t enough)
As for the book from Harley, I’ve heard something like that as well. Never read a book in full caps, curious to check it out :)
12.22.2006 | By Pim
I think the Nietzsche phrase (roughly translated) “When one looks into the abyss, the abyss also looks into oneself” applies here Andrew. You’ve listened and tried to analyze too much music man. When it gets to you so bad that “Alpha-Omega” sounds GOOD, you have gone too far towards the ledge. Take a step back, walk into the light…
12.22.2006 | By Johnny
Words of wisdom right there!!!!!!!
I back that review 110%, great fucking record!!!!!!!
12.22.2006 | By MIAMI HAROLD
i too have always felt this album didn’t get the credit it deserved. i still listen to this, more so than “AOQ”, which to me just kinda got played out by people. Obviously it’s a quintessential album but i hate when people only focus on one album from a band’s career and not the rest of their creations.
12.22.2006 | By EMS
Definitely an underrated record. I don’t think most people give this enough of a chance, since I can’t really imagine anyone who likes Best Wishes not digging at least 3-4 cuts on here. There are definitely some embarassing moments on this thing, but the awesome riffs and completely unique vibe make up for them.
I gotta disagree about the rap influenced tracks though.. Horrid.
12.22.2006 | By mark p.
Also, I recently heard the spoken word of John Joseph’s “Evolution Of A Cromagnon”, and it is BRILLIANT. Recommend even to people who aren’t fans of the early Cro-Mags (how?), since the stories are fucking fantastic and the dude’s delivery is priceless.
12.22.2006 | By mark p.
Totally love this album, loved it from day one, fuck the haters… And yeah, the audio-book is amazing, can’t wait for the book.
12.26.2006 | By Edwin
If someone asks me to make a ranking of Cro Mags albums I always doubt which one to put on top. Alpha Omega even makes it to the top sometimes. Depends what mindframe I’m in. I absolutely love this album. Didn’t bother to check it out for years and always regretted that I didn’t do so earlier. Afterwards I checked Near Death Experience and well… I regret checking that one out.
Good post! I’m sure you can pick up a copy of this album if you have a look around. I’d advise anyone to do so.
12.26.2006 | By Ben
Apocalypse Now Rocks !!!!!!!!!!
For Real .......
12.29.2006 | By Perro
One of the best and most important bands in metal/hardcore, ever. Their evolution as a band is/was such an important chapter in heavy music. They effortlessly became THE crossover hardcore band, accepted and respect widely in the metal community like no other. I was lucky to see them play countless times from “Best Wishes”, and on.
If I had to put the three albums in order:
“Best Wishes” (Check out the video on Youtube of JJ singing “Crush The Demoniac”)
“Age Of Quarrel” (Classic, but sounds like it was recorded in a refrigerator box)
“Alpha Omega” (Perfect crossover album. Lacks the energy of the two previous)
“Revenge” (The White Devil songs essentially, still awesome)
“Near Death Experience” (Bareley an effort…)
So yeah, that’s that.
1.1.2007 | By Jake
when this record was released and i stated that this was the best cm record and that i preferred the harley’s vocals everyone laughed…..
1.13.2007 | By alex
Great album!
Track one and two kick ass.
Im still not sure who sings what songs? If someone could let me know and where to pick up one of JJ audio books
peace out
1.6.2008 | By Shawn
Shawn. I don’t know if the audio book is still available, but you can get the printed one from
1.6.2008 | By Pim
Ive read the book!!!
Its a great read
I still want the audiobook.
Bloodclot are off the hook.
3.14.2008 | By Shawn
I’ll never understand why so many people, especially diehard Cro-Mags fans, dislike Near Death Experience so much yet thoroughly enjoy Alpha Omega. With the exception of one horrible track (“War On The Streets”) and an unnecessary remixed song from the previous album (“Other Side Of Madness”) there are at least 4 songs that are just as good anything on Best Wishes or Alpha Omega. In fact I’d go as far to say that NDE is probably the only album that had hardcore songs comparable to AOQ. I think the main problem with NDE is that it seemed like a rushed project, they should have spent more time on the vocals and post-production. The faster songs just come across as kind of sloppy, but the music is still really good.
I came to this page looking for answers to who sang what on Alpha Omega. I think some of the songs have Harley’s vocals dubbed over JJ’s making it sound like dual vocals; “Other Side Of Madness” is a good example. “Changes” sounds like Harley singing.
7.27.2012 | By Anonymous