Am I a Damnation A.D. fan? Of course I'm a fucking Damnation A.D. fan! Love 'em. And seeing as it's been almost nine years since their last album, the absolutely impeccable "Kingdom of Lost Souls" ("Wait for a Day" is one of the greatest songs ever), I was psyched when this shit showed up in my mailbox. I'm generally at least mildly hesitant as to what I'll expect from a reunion album, but for some reason I didn't even think twice about that with regard to "In This Life or the Next" (on Victory Records). The layout stinks, but I looked right past that and popped the disc in immediately. So... the verdict? Well... honestly? I don't know. It's not bad, but oddly enough considering my complete lack of doubt as to its quality, it's definitely not all that it could have been. I think one of the biggest issues with the album as a whole is the recording, though. It's a little inconsistent in that you can't hear much bass in most of the songs, so it sounds like there's a pretty big gap between the guitars and the drums, but everything sounds a little weird to me regardless (except the bass, when you can actually make it out). The band has almost always tended towards thick, oddly textured guitar tones that take some getting used to, so I'm not necessarily bothered by that here, but there's something about the drums... they're super dense, but they sort of sound unnatural sometimes as well, which is an odd contrast. I mean, to me, the production on "Kingdom of Lost Souls" was flawless across the board, and this album sounds like perhaps they were reacting to that "polish" with an intentionally rawer, dirtier sound. Something's off, though. I don't know, I remember the first time I heard "No More Dreams..." 12 or so years ago, I fucking hated the recording, so... maybe this is a similar situation where my ears just have to be forced into getting used to it? The problem is that the songs on "No More Dreams..." were fucking incredible, whereas here... I mean, like I said, it's not bad, but... it's just not what it could have been.
To clarify that, this is still clearly a Damnation A.D. record. It's not like they've changed their style at all. It's just that the songs themselves aren't as gripping or powerful as the band's old material. I do think that a stronger recording would've benefited the material—I could see some of these songs more immediately connecting under such circumstances—but... you know, that's still not optimal. And why did they re-record three old tracks? Even "The Hangedman"—which I guess is considered one of their "classics", though honestly it's never been one of my favorites—isn't better than the version on "No More Dreams of Happy Endings". The same goes for "Rain as My Veil" and "Addiction" from "Misericordia", I just don't see that there was a need to re-record any of these tracks, you know? And dudes from Fall Out Boy contributing vocals to a Damnation A.D. song ("If You Could Remember") is just fucking wrong. I'm sorry. And I am not saying that in any manner of bullshit hardcore "principles", either. I like Fall Out Boy and own a couple of their albums, but that vocal style just doesn't gel with Damnation A.D.'s punishingly heavy attack. That's just a fact. I'm definitely really torn here, because I don't dislike the album, but I'm disappointed, I can't lie. I hate "complaining" about bands that I've loved for over a decade, and in situations like this there's always the issue of having exceedingly high expectations because of being a longtime fan, but... who knows? A few of the new tracks are definitely very solid (the album basically starts out pretty strong and slowly starts to lag around the latter half), and I do hope the band's reunion continues on to yield future albums, but... if you're not familiar with 'em already, I'd highly suggest checking out "Kingdom of Lost Souls" to get a true impression of the sheer mastery that these guys are capable of at their best.
Damnation A.D. "Knot"
Damnation A.D. "Jigsaw"
Don't leech shit for free, if you want it, buy a copy:
I tried to like this and it just didn’t happen.
I’d like to see more happen with When Tigers Fight if this is what Damnation A.D. is going to turn into.
6.19.2007 | By Eddie
This album was sort of depressing. Misericordia is abou the perfect hardcore ep and there was no need to record any songs from it. This isn’t bad, but fuck, so much more was expected. The WTF was way better.
6.19.2007 | By Ryan
you like fall out boy? okay man theres seriously no excuse for that. none
6.19.2007 | By Anonymous
there is no excuse for being a wayne newton fan either, but i and many thousands of others pray to his altar on a daily basis. we dont need an excuse. who is gonna excuse us? YOU PEOPLE? people who dont even have the sense to appreciate wayne newton’s genius? dont make me laugh. like we would ever listen to you bafoons. hahahahaaa! but yeah, fallout boy sucks. never heard their music myself, but that doesnt really matter cuz they are not wayne newton so…
6.19.2007 | By boss hogg
Hey Andrew, I hear ya. This is a BIG disappoinment, especially after the WTF album and EP; and re-recording old songs is rarely a promising sign, much less on a reunion album. That said, in my opinion this album follows the trajectory of the band’s output since “No More Dreams…”, which despite the shitty recording, is still their best work in my book.
6.19.2007 | By manisthebastard
It’s so sad to say, but Andrew is right in what he is saying. If they don’t have enough material for a new full length they should just wait instead of re-recording old songs to fill the gap. Beside that, the older versions are so much better!
6.20.2007 | By Ingo
I’m really glad I came across this - I had been meaning to check this out. I fucking LOVED the “Misericordia” EP, and “Kingdom of Lost Souls” was near-perfect, but I figured my expectations would be too high for this record.
6.22.2007 | By floodwatch
Not to turn this into a FOB discussion but ...Cork Tree has some damn near perfect pop songs and is very good for what it is, whatever their image might be.
6.26.2007 | By Ivan The Cruel
I’ve loved ‘em from the beginning but I completely agree with the review. As usual, I let my expectations soar… and they were dashed against the rocks. What I miss the most with this album is the overall cosistenecey that “No More Dreams” had. That’s one of my top 10 complete albums… were it seems so fluid… every song is dependant on the other and it’s worth the listen straight through. The new album lacks cohesion. I too agree… 12 tracks… 3 remakes and as many guest vocals… not a new full length album in my mind. I was disappointed but I’ve listened to it enough on my iPod to have found some highlights too… there are songs that I like. I can’t wait to see them at the 9:30!!!
6.26.2007 | By Tim
Can’t aggree more, what should have been a strong 5 tracks (the first 5 ones on the album) come-back EP has become a mildly disapointing LP, weighted down by THAT Fall Out Boy song and the re-recordings. And what with all the vocals featurings? I guess Damntion ad was an underrated band, and it is nice to see other band paying their due, but this is silly… especially when you hve such a strong and unique vocalist… And the artwork is dire…
But hey, based on those first 5 ongs, there is hope…
6.29.2007 | By Aramcheck
I think that even if there’s some featuring singers, whatever the bands may be, Fall Out Boy (who i don’t dig at all) or Earth Crisis (who i absolutely worship), that doesn’t give a reason to totally give a crushing review for any album. Not meaning anyone had done that. But what i came to say was that i’m fucking into this, i didn’t like Kingdom Of Lost Souls (craaappy recording maybe, was it that’s why?), but i took this new cd and started listening it and to be honest i like it. Havent heard any other stuff from these guys but these 2 albums, but i’d say this is a decent record even if it has FOB kids singing in it, to the opposite i’d say Karl and Wes are doing their feature songs pretty awesome. And btw, Mike DC has fucking awesome voice!
7.6.2007 | By MarkusxKTL
Markus, you’re insane! The recording on “Kingdom of Lost Souls” was fucking FLAWLESS in my opinion! Ha, ha…
7.6.2007 | By Andrew Aversionline
I don’t know but i always thought that Kingdom it sounded somehow really weird? I must be insane for sure, but i like In This Life Or Next’s sounds more. I’ll check Kindgom out again, i should have the record stashed in somewhere so i can really compare these albums.
7.6.2007 | By MarkusxKTL
Misericordia was a great album. I have to say I was a little disappointed with this record, but I also found myself listening to it over and over.
Although, I really did like the “If you could remember” song. I think the difference in vocals was pleasing to the ear. Not as hardcore, and a lot different, but good. I had to listen to it a few times. I think it was also because I could easily relate to the song, which I liked a lot. It was pretty genius to have dulcet tones and angry tones mix together like they did. Bravo for that song (now I think I may check out some Fall Out Boy songs).
Boss Hog, you got it right though ;). Only God can judge me, and as long as I can get away with it, I’ll listen to stuff from Damnation AD to Michael Jackson to Elvis Costello if I so please!
I would not judge the “If you could remember” song on just who sings in it. I think whoever was doing the lead singing (Stump?), has a very amazing voice (hence why I will be checking out some more of their stuff, even if it is poppy). Hell, give anything a chance once, right?
7.8.2007 | By Emily
did hillel come back? is this a full reunion, cuase it sound like shit . no more dreams and miseracorda are it . sorry guys , stop dragging your name through the mud.
7.10.2007 | By fryar
“No more dreams”: one of the heaviest songs EVER.
But I have a question and I hope someone here can help me:
If someone who reads this has any additional information about this project, please leave a comment on my blog! Thanks!
8.6.2009 | By Chris