Also new from Ferret Music is Heavy Heavy Low Low's "Everything's Watched, Everyone's Watching", which drops 11 generally quick and chaotic tracks in a mere 22 minutes. Like 'em or not, these guys must be doing something right on some level, because there's just something about this band where you kind of know what they're gonna sound like before even hearing their music. Granted you can't really get the full picture without listening for yourself, but it's not entirely surprising that you're greeted with a weird and quirky cacophony of grinding, churning, metalcore-ish madness with whacked out screamo tendencies and some totally oddball riffs more reminiscent of jazz or sludgy rock or something. There's plenty of tempo variation and quite a few riff changes as well, but I will say that—while not entirely my thing—the songwriting is much more developed and effective than most such bands. It's caustic and crazy, but it's not too far gone by any means. There are a lot of solid riffs in place, on occasion a hint of melody seeps in, the recording is very well executed, and despite mildly irritating moments/elements, the end result is actually quite listenable as compared to most of this particular style. Original? Not exactly, but they're not generic either, and it would seem that they have a good handle on what they're doing, so I can appreciate it.
Heavy Heavy Low Low "Kids, Kids, Kids"
Heavy Heavy Low Low "Eating the Porridge and Killing the Bears"
As always, purchase a copy for yourself if you're into it:
Cool, I’m digging that Dead Hearts. Amazing Bannon artwork, as usual, too!
9.27.2006 | By Invisible Oranges
ooooooh me likey Heavy Heavy Low Low.
9.27.2006 | By Adrianoso
heavy heavy low low are absoulte scum.
9.27.2006 | By phil d
Phil, what do you mean?
9.27.2006 | By Andrew Aversionline
andrew check you email
9.27.2006 | By phil d
what’s going on? can you explain phil?
9.27.2006 | By Anonymous
scum or not, these 2 tracks were awful. Dead Hearts may have a shitty name, but they sound pretty good
9.27.2006 | By Eric
> andrew check you email
we wanna know too!
9.27.2006 | By Anonymous
i have been a fan of hhll for a while now and i dont think this is there best for the simple fact that half of this record are reworked songs songs from pervious discs. much rather have heard all new stuff but i wasnt disappointed by any means. dead hearts are not really my thing. althou i can certainly appreciate that style as well.
9.27.2006 | By chris
they’re scum. not only because they are heavy and low, but also because they’re heavy and low twice. ok, you can kill me now…
9.27.2006 | By Anonymous
this band is terrible
9.27.2006 | By Anonymous
i’ll take the new daughters over HHLL any time. the vocals are just too “wankery” (learned it on this blog).
9.28.2006 | By chris
oh god how i dont like daughters,i just saw them live yesterday,and to be honest they were awful,i dont know why hydrahead signed them,they were just not good at all, no offense to daughters fans,for HHLL im not really diggin it,DEAD HEARTs not impresive but good
9.28.2006 | By Anonymous
dont like either of these bands.
and daughters epitomize “wankery”. hate that band so much
9.28.2006 | By meh
ok wtf? wats with all this hate on these guys? I mean if you don’t like the music then thats cool. I can respect that but scumbags?...(feeling a lil left out)
9.28.2006 | By Adrianoso
Some of the worst music i’ve ever heard.
- Tom
9.28.2006 | By Tom
lol, “wankery” is the best word ever, to name the worst thing ever
9.29.2006 | By Anonymous
Jesus, this thread of comments has officially reached a level of inanity.
9.29.2006 | By Andrew Aversionline
Someone sent me the HHLL disc. Couldn’t do it. Dead Hearts, however, slay.
10.3.2006 | By Andy