In a similar, though certainly less drastic move, Krisiun, Brazil's most diehard death metal band, has also accelerated the gradual course of change that they've been undergoing for the last several years on their sixth full-length, "Assassination", of course released by Century Media. Now, if there's one thing you can count on from Krisiun, it's that they're going to stay true to what they do, and what they do is play fast death metal. But the thing that I've always loved about these guys is their complete and total sincere dedication to their music, so I've always been a huge fan of theirs even when some of their records didn't quite do it for me. Thankfully, "Assassination" does hit the spot, and from a production standpoint is the band's best sounding record to date. While you still won't pick out much of a bass presence, the guitars and drums are finally efficiently balanced, and for the first time in as long as I can remember I'm actually able to listen to Krisiun without letting my ears adjust to clinically rigid and unnaturally clicky drum tones... so, if nothing else, I hope they stick with this recording approach from now on!
As far as the actual songwriting goes, it's not a huge leap or anything, but the band is writing with more of a feel as opposed to strictly focusing on record-breaking (and endurance-testing) speeds, which definitely pays off for the listening experience. Yes, it's still quite fast, and yes, it's extremely tightly performed. It's still Krisiun through and through, but you'd be surprised what a difference a wider range of tempos can make. And the solos are really starting to sound more developed now (there's a great example of this in the brief instrumental "Doomed"), whereas in the earliest days of the band's work many of the leads came across more like blindingly fast scales and repetitious patterns. Since that's a part of the Krisiun sound you're still going to hear those wild sweeps and chaotic bursts, but like I said, it's more about feel now, not just speed. And that goes for the drumming too, which is awesome. Max Kolesne's an insane drummer, but now he's starting to get a little more creative with his fills and cymbal work, so rather than simply stupefying everyone with his seemingly effortless high-speed blasts, he's adding more color to the material as well.
Krisiun "United in Deception"
Krisiun "Vicious Wrath"
As always, pick it up if you dig it. I own everything Krisiun has done since "Black Force Domain" and I don't see myself stopping until they do! Get to it:
death grind= kick ass
3.13.2006 | By Anonymous
awesome. haven’t heard Krisiun before, but they sound pretty cool. I wasn’t really a fan before this new decapitated album came out though, but since i really like this i’m gonna check out some of their older albums. any idea where to start first?
3.13.2006 | By Anonymous
All the Decapitated stuff is great, but aside from the new one I’d rank them in this order:
1. “Winds of Creation”
2. “The Negation”
3. “Nihility”
It’s a close match between them all, but the recording on “Nihility” annoyed the shit out of me to the point where I didn’t even buy it until a couple years after it came out. Like I said, it’s all great shit, though. So many awesome riffs…
3.13.2006 | By Andrew Aversionline
i grabbed both of these albums a short time ago, and i love both! anyone ever hear visceral bleeding? fucking amazing songs.
3.14.2006 | By yellow swink
That Decapitated song is pretty cool but the vocals are kinda weak. They sound like thrash vocals to me. I might pick this one up regardless. Krisiun doesn’t do a whole lot for me though. It’s enjoyable but nothing about it really grabs me. Personally, I’ll take the new Akercocke over both of these. It’s truly something special…dark, progressive, and brutal. I highly recommend it.
3.14.2006 | By Adam