Another recent addition to the ever-expanding Willowtip roster are the grindcore stalwarts of Orange County's own Phobia. These cats have been at it for more than 15 years and have a slew of releases out on a slew of different labels, and they're still going strong. I'm not gonna lie, though, for whatever reason I sort of lost interest in Phobia after "Serenity Through Pain" a few years back (their debut full-length, "Means of Existence", remains my favorite of their releases), so I haven't been keeping up with much of what they've been doing since then. While "Cruel", their latest full-length affair (21 songs in less than 27 minutes), doesn't exactly make me suspect that I've missed anything of vital importance during that time, it is a powerful example of the band's staying power. As usual there are only sparse variances away from the band's patented form of blistering and straightforward grind towards either slower/moodier fare or slightly more hardcore/punk oriented riffing, just enough so that it's not a one-sided listen, and that works damn fine for me, as often those slight variances make the most impact!
Phobia "Never"
Phobia "Cursed"
Phobia "Numb"
Same story: If you like it, buy it. The label's an excellent purchasing source:
Wasn’t there a H8000 band called Dim Mak about 10 years ago? Or may be a label?
5.3.2006 | By Johnny
There is/was another band by that name but I have no idea if they were H8000-related or not, I’ve never heard them. And there’s also a label called Dim Mak Records, yeah.
5.3.2006 | By Andrew Aversionline
Scott Ruth is one of the sweetest guys I’ve ever met in the heavy music scene! I remember interviewing him when I was 15 for my death metal zine. Fas forward 7-8 years and I’m playing with Dave Witte in a band called Black Army Jacket and Dave introduced me to Scott. He actually remembered me!
Through Dave, I got to hear the unreleased Ripping Corpse album. It is stellar! Ahead of it’s time. And this is without any vocals ever recorded! I hope if they ever re-release their debut album, they add the unreleased material on there! Also, their demo with “Stone Garden” would be a nice add on!
5.3.2006 | By Anonymous
Dude. Black Army Jacket was awesome. I got the split with Hemlock. That was good stuff.
5.3.2006 | By Anonymous
Thanks bro!
5.4.2006 | By Anonymous