
Disfear/Doomriders split 7”

Disfear/Doomriders - splitThe latest from Deathwish Inc. is this short but sweet split 7" between Sweden's Disfear and Salem, MA's Doomriders. First up is Disfear with "Fear and Trembling", and its darkly sinister yet energetically rocked out balance of subtle melody and gnashing aggression. There's a great sense of natural warmth to the recording that really lets the textures of the instruments have their own space—really allowing the intensity of the layering to build up and add a stronger sense of urgency to the overall composition. I haven't kept up with Disfear much in the last year or so, to be honest with you, but this is a great fucking track right here. Doomriders then ease into the galloping stomp of "Crooked Path", which has a similar sense of warmth and space, though of course their excellently robust basslines play a larger role in the heart of the mix. I'd say both tracks utilize a similar sense of melody in terms of the use of rock-infused dual guitar riffing, but the Doomriders contribution tends to maintain that throbbing midpaced tempo—feeling a little more consistently somber as compared to Disfear's furious bursts. Here are some brief excerpts from each track:

Disfear "Fear and Trembling" (excerpt)
Doomriders "Crooked Path" (excerpt)

And remember, Deathwish's vinyl releases always come with inserts containing digital download codes now, so... you can't fuckin' lose there, people!

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Deathwish Inc.


  1. andrew, it was a mistake not to keep up with DISFEAR. “live the storm” is one of the most crushing and convincing records in recent years. saw both bands live here in germany a few weeks ago, and boy did they deliver! bought the split at the show, but the fucker has no lyric sheet. can you confirm that?!

    12.3.2008 | By Andy

  2. I don’t have the 7”, just the digital files, so I can’t confirm, sorry!

    12.3.2008 | By Andrew Aversionline

  3. Finally, I’ve been waiting for something new from Doomriders ever since their full length.  I think Nate Newton should permanently leave Converge to fully concentrate on this band.  The excerpts have me sold.

    12.3.2008 | By paul

  4. Nope.  No lyrics, but we made a real big fold out cover that looks awesome!  :)

    12.3.2008 | By tre

  5. Weird, that Disfear song starts with a classic Priest style riff and a way cleaner production than they usually have.  I’d like to hear more.

    12.5.2008 | By Justin