
Song of the Day: Downer, “Curbed,” from Downer (Roadrunner, 2001)

I don't know shit about this Orange County band, and can't even remember why I bought this album. Probably because it had Pushead cover art and was on Roadrunner, so how bad could it be, right? In fact, I've just learned while prepping this write-up that the band had ties to hardcore acts Mission Impossible and Headfirst; and apparently released two EPs and a full-length prior to hooking up with Roadrunner.

It is a solid disc, though, and this track provides a good representation of the band's Tool-ish blend of "alternative"-leaning post-hardcore. Something about the droning, repetitious grooves in this piece always worked for me. A shame Downer called it quits mere months after the record hit the streets. I'm thinking I should try and track down their prior material now that I know it exists... but the fact that I can find barely a mention of anything other than a 7" probably doesn't bode well, does it?