
Endstand, Fall of Serenity, and Deadsoil…

Endstand - The Time is NowEven though I'm an enormous fan of Finnish hardcore, despite the fact that Endstand is one of Finland's best known hardcore bands, I had never really heard that much of their material other than a few compilation/sampler tracks here and there. So I was pretty damn blown away by "The Time is Now", the band's latest full-length and Lifeforce Records debut. This album sounds rather different from what little I've heard from Endstand in the past, so I can only assume they've grown quite a bit over the years. Whatever the case, this is a tight and energetic display of midpaced to moderately fast hardcore with powerfully screamed vocals over a musical base that covers a diverse range of influences from traditionally based hardcore to melodic octave chords and catchier song arrangements or post-hardcore dissonance and a darker edge. That being said, the overall impact is very well focused, so the 10 tracks fall into a generally consistent 35-minute timeframe that feels like just the right amount of material. From a songwriting standpoint there are just some excellent tunes on this record, and several of the riffs possess the types of dual guitar interaction and picking patterns that really catch my ear, so I'm really curious as to when this style started to develop in Endstand's output—not to mention looking forward to hearing their future efforts as a result!

Endstand "King of Drama"
Endstand "Empty Promises"

I'm really pleased with this album, so hopefully the band will start to get a little more notice here in the US now. I'm not sure what the hell took me so long to take a closer look at these guys, but I'm definitely glad I've finally had the opportunity with this record. Pick it up if it does the trick for you, too:

Lifeforce Records

Fall of Serenity - Bloodred SalvationAnother recent Lifeforce Records debut comes from Germany's Fall of Serenity in "Bloodred Salvation", though the band already has quite a few releases under its belt. These cats seem to have a few loose ties to the metalcore scene, but there's really no denying that this shit's all metal: From the chunky midpaced power chords and efficient melodic Swedish styled harmonies to the few instances of raging black metal-esque speeds—not to mention the various forms of snarling, screaming, growling vocals. Upon first listen the instrumental intro got my hopes up quite a bit due in large part to the rather meaty guitar tone, so I was initially undecided as to my take on the rest of the album until my ears adjusted to the rest of the recording—though honestly, aside from minor little adjustments here and there, I can no longer recall exactly what it was that didn't quite suit me at the time. I won't lie, this is a fairly standard album that doesn't particularly separate itself from the pack all that much, but I've not been exposed to as much of this genre in recent months, so my tolerance has built back up a bit. That's not to discredit Fall of Serenity, however, as the songwriting on this album boasts both a strong degree of energy as well as a searing sense of furiousness that, when combined with a solid sound and tight musicianship, effectively holds my interest for the duration of the album. It may not be anything inventive per se, but they're extremely good at what they do, and I enjoy this album. Excellent cover art, too!

Fall of Serenity "Out of the Clouds"
Fall of Serenity "A Piece of You"

Make the grab if you dig the tunes:

Lifeforce Records
The End Records

Deadsoil - SacrificeOn their second full-length, "Sacrifice" (also on Lifeforce Records), Deadsoil (Germany) seems to be shooting for the next level with their brand of metalcore. For the most part their approach has remained true to the chunky breakdowns and aggressive contemporary metalcore of their debut, but they've definitely increased the degree of melody that's present, as well as introducing significantly more singing vocals from time to time. Don't get the wrong idea though, because harsh yelling and vicious, almost thrashy metalcore riffs still dominate the 42-minute affair, so the band still has a much rougher and less polished attack than American acts such as Killswitch Engage, for example. At first I didn't think I enjoyed this album as much as the band's debut, but with time I actually think I might enjoy it just a bit more. There are definitely a couple of areas where the consistency stumbles a bit and I feel like they lose their focus, but at its best this album throws down some incredibly powerful melodies that are well countered by fierce heaviness. From a musical standpoint, "These Stings" is simply one of the best metalcore songs I've heard in quite some time. I mean, fuck, if these dudes could hit that level of power even 75% of the time they'd absolutely decimate the majority of the genre. In the grand scheme of things Deadsoil is still relatively early in their existence, so the brightest moments of this transitional endeavor still point to bigger and better things to come.

Deadsoil "These Stings"
Deadsoil "Unspoken"

As always, buy the album for yourself if it's something that interests you:

Lifeforce Records
The End Records


  1. You absolutely MUST check out the latest from Down My Throat, ‘Through the River of Denial”. I tell you, this is some of the best trashy hardcore ever to come out.

    I’m not in a streat team or anything like that, I just love this album.

    7.18.2006 | By Anonymous

  2. Oh well, while I’m at it, check out Sweden’s Totalt Jävla Mörker too for some good dirty hardcore. The video for Kall Värl is also what I would call a perfect video for the song.

    7.18.2006 | By Nick

  3. I’m pretty sure he’s done write-up’s on both bands.

    Andrew, have you checked out the Betrayed full length yet? I picked it up last night and I don’t quite know what to think. I’m digging it a lot though.

    7.18.2006 | By Tyrone

  4. Yeah, I’ve been a fan of Down My Throat for years, those guys rule.  I covered their new record sometime back when it came out.  I haven’t heard the new Totalt Jävla Mörker disc yet, but they are indeed a solid band.

    Tyrone, I dig the new Betrayed.  I just got it Friday so I haven’t spent but so much time with it yet, but I liked that the recording was finally more balanced.  I’m not floored but it’s a damn fine album overall.  Even better is the 2xCD 108 discography, though!  Heh, heh.  I’ll throw write-ups on the site for these in the coming weeks…

    7.18.2006 | By Andrew Aversionline

  5. Oh, so the 108 discography is out already? I forgot all about that. I’ll have to go check that out.

    7.18.2006 | By Tyrone

  6. That Finns do two things well, Formula 1 and HC, and that Endstand is no exception.  It’s sorta sad to hear Deadsoil start to sound like they’re from So Cal though.

    7.20.2006 | By Johnny