
Song of the Day: Fader Friend, “I'm Still Waiting,” from Gloom (Self-Released, 2014)

Fader Friend is a San Antonio, TX trio, and "I'm Still Waiting" comes from their most excellent debut EP, Gloom—whose beautiful cover art captured my interest right away. Expect more of that hazy, grunge-tinged emo that's popping up so often these days, and once again I'm all for it!

The track lulls along at a hypnotic pace, but the vocals carry a little more emotion and emphasis here—arguably making Fader Friend a little bit "prettier" sounding than some of the other bands of this nature that are kicking around right now. It certainly adds to the sing-along nature of the chorus.

Gloom is available now on CD or via Bandcamp, and I'm excitedly looking forward to hearing more from this group.