
Gaurithoth and Neuron…

Gaurithoth - PerverseAlright, buckle up, motherfuckers, it's time to be floored by the two latest masterpieces from Crimes Against Humanity Records. Seriously, this label has picked up steam in the past with its diverse roster of releases, but a couple from this latest batch really take the fucking cake. First up is Gaurithoth (Finland), whose debut full-length, "Perverse", throws down 38 minutes of their self-proclaimed "satanic perverse black latex metal", whatever the hell that means. Truly, these god damn black metal bands really need to cut the shit and realize that tongue-in-cheek humor is just not the way to go with this mess. I mean, this record absolutely shreds with perfectly executed black metal that blends fierce speeds and lightly dissonant midpaced fare with a dual vocal attack and a crisp recording. The shit totally smokes, I love it. But these friggin' jackasses all have inexcusably retarded "names" like V.W. Hellboozer, Anal Master, and Wargasmaster (to name but a few); not to mention a couple of similarly downright silly song titles like "Daughter of Hell (Satan's Bitch Pt. 4)", and that kind of shit just makes me cringe. I'm not totally clear on why they're calling this their "debut" album since they did an eight-track release called "Satanic Perverse Black Latex Metal" (there we go... again) in 1998 which seems like it'd be a full-length, but who knows? Either way, aside from painfully testing the limits of how much complete and total ridiculousness I can stomach, the music wins me over (okay, the cover art rules, too) without fail thanks to excellent songwriting and tight performances. Fans of the genre should eat these jams up...

Gaurithoth "Myrkynkylväjä"
Gaurithoth "Skullcrusher"

You might as well grab this one straight from the label as their distro's service is totally solid and you'll have a damn hard time beating their prices, too:

@ Crimes Against Humanity Records

Neuron - GleichschrittAnd as if that weren't enough, "Gleichschritt", the debut full-length from German socio-political grinders Neuron, blends textbook grindcore mastery with just the right amount of death metal—which should please anyone who thinks the idea of classic Brutal Truth battling against the early days of Pestilence while the best Polish grindcore acts of the last five years cheer them on sounds like a good time. (And trust me, it does!) These guys used to be called Fleischwolf but changed their name after a slight lineup change, and I'm damn glad they kept at it, because when those German grindcore bands hit their stride they don't screw around. This fuckin' thing unloads 16 tracks that average about two-and-a-half minutes apiece and churn out relentless change-ups between traditional speeds and subtly fucked up arrangements that remain memorable while still tossing around dissonant chord phrasings and excellently strained vocals (in German, though English translations are provided). I sincerely hope this band starts garnering more attention, because this is without a doubt some of the most impeccably ferocious grindcore I've heard in a long time. Great songs, great recording... I'm all over this one!

Neuron "Wirklichkeitskontrolle"
Neuron "Terror"
Neuron "Freiheit"

Same story: If you dig it, support the band and the label with a purchase. And tell your fuckin' friends about these cats, 'cause this band fuckin' kills! I can't say enough good things about this record...

@ Crimes Against Humanity Records


  1. great blog! this is a great education and great listening. thanks for sharing.

    1.12.2006 | By radio tinman

  2. I thought it was 1988 again, with a Pestilence LP playing in the background as I did my homework.  I don’t have the LP player anymore-BUT STILL HAVE THE PESTILENCE LP!!!!!!  Kick ass.

    1.13.2006 | By Anonymous

  3. I have the Neuron CD waiting for me. I can’t wait to listen to it now.

    1.13.2006 | By Tyrone

  4. Man, that Neuron is great stuff! I swear, I’ve bought more stuff because of things I’ve heard on here than I have in a long time…

    Really love your Grind, Crust, Thrash, and Death/Black metal posts, and I especially like hearing about some of those old bands that I might not have heard about back in the day. From the old school stuff you post, like Gammacide and Pale Creation (holy shit! that first demo was AMAZING!) to the new stuff like Watchmaker and Minsk, I’ve learned that in a world of so much really shitty music, there’s still some hope out there for stuff that still knows how to ROCK.

    Thanks for the music, and thanks for the hope.
    Keep up the excellent work, man.

    1.15.2006 | By Anonymous