
Get a Grip/Hammer Head split CD

Get a Grip/Hammer Head - splitThe latest from Strike 3 Records sees Richmond, VA's Get a Grip and Delco, PA's Hammer Head joining up for this 22-minute split CD (with some pretty damn cool looking artwork, I might add). Get a Grip kicks things off with five tracks of chunky and moderately paced metallic hardcore with some pretty burly vocals that match the bitterness of the lyrics quite well. It's a pretty intriguing blend in that it's somewhat slower than most such hardcore, but it's not as moshy or grooved out as the 90's era of metalcore often was. There's a certain rawness to the recording that's pretty interesting as well—certainly benefiting the vocals—though I could almost see 'em taking it a step further. For instance, were these tracks given a rougher, more fiery aesthetic (such as, say, Integrity's "Systems Overload") the results could be fuckin' vicious. Hammer Head then follows with six tracks of their own, which are actually a damn close match to that generally midpaced style and aesthetic exemplified by Get a Grip, though the vocals possess a higher sneer and the basslines seem slightly more active on occasion. There are also a few little lead breaks and such that almost lend a weird rock vibe to the slow-paced power chords, but barely. I wouldn't mind hearing both of these bands pick up the pace a little more often to offer some differentiation between some of the compositions, but this is a solid pairing, and it's cool that you can tell they're doing something a little different from the norm.

Get a Grip "Unconsciousness"
Hammer Head "Gang Mentality"

Downloading is for suckers, and this shit's cheap as hell, so show some support and pick one up if you dig the tunes:

Strike 3 Records


  1. Hammer Head?  Wasn’t there already a Hammerhead on AmRep back in the day?

    1.10.2007 | By Andy

  2. this CD is defently worth snagging. Hammerhead is seriously awesome, and this isnt the same one that other dude is talking about

    1.11.2007 | By Bobby

  3. What a decent split!

    1.11.2007 | By Ron Jeremy

  4. worth purchasing!

    1.13.2007 | By erik