
Get Laid “Pretty Weathered” 10”

Get Laid - Pretty WeatheredGet Laid is from Allston, MA and plays self-described "thrashy weird punk", and that's cool, because I'm not really sure what the hell I'd call this stuff on my own! To make a comparison maybe two or three people will actually recognize, they kind of remind me of that German band Gentle Veincut I've written about a couple of times (which is a very good thing in my book)—mostly due to the unique vocals, but also because in addition to the punchy energy and rugged attack of their "thrashy weird punk", there are also lots of caustic, angular "noise rock" types of riffs and textures happening all over the place. It's a cool blend that certainly prevents the band from being pigeonholed into any standard genres, and I have to say I'm way into it. Some of the songs are kind of catchy and explosive with hammering basslines driving a subtly rocked out hardcore/punk vibe, while others have a little more bite in the peculiar twists and turns of their controlled chaos. I'd totally love to hear more from this band ASAP. I'm getting pretty tired of the norm and it's great to get the opportunity to check out bands like this that are doing something a little outside the box.

Get Laid "Decca A.D."

This one's limited to a mere 500 copies, all on red vinyl with hand-screened sleeves. There's a digital download code as well, so those of you like me who are too busy/lazy to deal with vinyl will still be good to go. It's only $7 and there are only five copies left on Etsy right now, so... pick one up while you still can!

Get It



  1. very interesting music indeed!

    3.2.2010 | By Carlos

  2. What a strange sound.  It reminds of some stuff I heard in the ‘90s.

    It’s strange and creative that they’re selling this on Etsy.  I wonder how that will work out.

    3.2.2010 | By Invisible Oranges

  3. Sweeeeeet. Reminds me a tad of Battle Of Mice’s more straightforward moments.

    3.3.2010 | By O.H.M

  4. Hey!
    If anyones at all interested, we now have this streaming on bandcamp if you want to check it out here:

    We also have a single and our old demos up for free download. Thanks!

    9.21.2010 | By GET LAID