
Good song, stupid lyrics…

In Flames "Minus"

...on a butterfly I ride...

Seriously? On a butterfly? Really? Best you could do?

And this isn't even the only In Flames song to mention butterflies!? Sheesh...


  1. Haha, no way. :P Alyways thought In Flames were kinda silly but this is too much.

    7.26.2007 | By Anonymous

  2. it’d be nice if that was their worst musical offense, a little off-handed reference to a butterfly. I’d like to refer to every post-Colony album and really ask them if thats the best they could do.

    7.26.2007 | By vugelnox

  3. Anders Fridén picks random sentences and strings them together. Not the greatest lyricist Sweden has ever produced.

    7.26.2007 | By xGabrielx

  4. haha.  I still like this CD, there are some solid choruses.  trashy metal

    7.26.2007 | By wes

  5. I definitely still like this CD, and actually quite disagree with the “post-‘Colony’” comment above.  “Clayman” is the only In Flames album I don’t own, and while nothing tops “Whoracle” for me, I think a couple of their “post-‘Colony’” are quite solid all around.

    7.26.2007 | By Andrew Aversionline

  6. Haha, when i listen that and think now of that line, it sounds pretty gay, really who’s flying with butterflies? I have to say that after Colony they did some pretty weak stuff, but i likes parts of Reroute To Remain and this newest album ain’t really that bad at all, they’ve transformed from original “swedish” metal into today’s metalcore band quite well.

    7.26.2007 | By markusxKTL

  7. yet, another reason i do not read the lyrics to death metal albums (melodic or otherwise). in flames is an excellent band with excellent music and i agree with Whoracle being nearly flawless, their latest is one of the strongest albums of their career.

    7.27.2007 | By Ben

  8. I could never figure out why anyone would want to listen to this band. It might’ve been slightly listenable if they dropped the vocals completely and tuned their guitars back up to E and didn’t bother with the silly leads, but I would almost certainly keep complaining even then.

    Butterflies, though? Fuckin’ hippies.

    Leave it to to figure out what the song’s about, though:

    this song is full of many deep emotions mixed together, which makes the song seem like the phrases are completely random and have nothing do with each other. In fact, each phrase and line has tons of meaning, except it’s very hard to decipher, since we only have a few words per meaning.
    but generally, this song is about loosing yourself inside a fantasy world/drugs/getting drunk/similar.
    It reminds me of Slipknot’s Gently or Left Behind.

    7.27.2007 | By svein

  9. you can get many completley different interpretations from different things/peoples…
    talking in general, not about this song. i mean this was the thing i hate the most when i was visiting the school…

    7.27.2007 | By Anonymous

  10. each phrase and line has tons of meaning, except it’s very hard to decipher, since we only have a few words per meaning.

    say what?!

    talk about “not knowing what the fuck you’re talking about”.

    7.27.2007 | By chris

  11. i’m with ben. i rarely check out lyrics to metal albums anymore. i know i’m probably missing some cool stuff, but how much lame dark poetry, gore, vague personal issues, vague/cliche social issues type lyrics can really exist? plus who gives a shit when it sounds like BLEUEHRRHRRGGHGH!

    In Flames has some decent SONGS post-Colony, but the only ALBUM after it that is worth a shit is Clayman. and most people would disagree with me about that.

    7.31.2007 | By TylerWagnon

  12. Minus is an awesome song.

    In Flames are pretty much solid throughout and, even though they changed their sound, are still rocking.

    Come Clarity is a fucking SHIT song, though and destroys an otherwise decent album

    8.6.2007 | By kerumba

  13. For me, the Jester Race was the only decent album they ever produced.

    8.9.2007 | By Anonymous

  14. I’m going to have to go against the naysayers here. In Flames is a consistently solid band, and in my mind they have never released a dud. Even “Reroute to Remain” and “Soundtrack to Your Escape,” which many fans dismissed as nu-metal trend-chasing albums, are extremely well-written and full of great songs and tasty guitar leads (nu-metal? really? i don’t hear it here. ok, so there are a few electronic samples, big deal.). That having been said, I rarely if ever listen to lyrics. So I’m speaking from strictly a musical standpoint.

    8.30.2007 | By Vince Neilstein

  15. I think you guys make a big deal over nothing.  In Flames plays damn good music at least 75% of the time.  Only if you can make better do you have the right to complain.

    9.27.2007 | By Anonymous