
Have Heart, Think I Care, and Outbreak…

Have Heart - The Things We CarryOh yeah, I'm diggin' this. As generally expected from the Bridge Nine camp, Have Heart's "The Things We Carry" is traditionally based hardcore that takes the old school framework and tosses in a smidge of Turning Point-esque melody along with an occasionally heavier edge that at times reminds me of Judge/early Cro-Mags on a musical level. I can't quite place what it is about this record, but somehow this is one of the most logical sounding progressions of old school hardcore I've ever heard. What I mean by that statement is that something about this material comes across like a literal translation of the classic late-80's hardcore sound into contemporary times. It doesn't sound stale to me at all, so this isn't some throwback youth crew band that's trying to sound identical to Youth of Today or whatnot. The songwriting has much more to it than your typical fast-paced three-chord rhythms and breakdowns, but at the same time they're not branching out quite as far as other modern acts that are exploring somewhat comparable areas of the genre. It's sort of weird, I just can't quite figure out what it is that specifically makes me feel that way. Whatever the case, this is a great album. I love the vocals, the basslines are great, the songwriting is memorable and interesting. I don't know... it's straightforward, but not exactly. Fuck it, it's hardcore, it's awesome, and that's all that really matters.

Have Heart "Life is Hard Enough"
Have Heart "The Machinist"

Definitely recommended. I'm liking this more and more as I continue listening. Make the grab, kids:

Bridge Nine
@ Very Distribution

Think I Care - World AsylumYou know, Think I Care is one of those bands that I've encountered several times over the years, and I own/have owned several of their records, but while I've generally liked everything they've done, they've never really stuck with me for some reason, I don't know why. I'm not sure if that will be the case with their latest Bridge Nine release or not, but I have to say that at the onset, "World Asylum" is coming across as a more powerful and memorable album. Memory may be failing me, but these tracks seem a little meatier and more midpaced to me, venturing into a faster and more traditional realm of hardcore less frequently than their past efforts. The recording is also a touch heavier, which allows the vocals to come across as far burlier, and certainly gives the tracks an overall edge—not to mention an unexpectedly thrashy undercurrent here and there. And I'm always a fan of bitter, pissed off lyrics—as track titles like "Life Sentence" and "Heads Will Roll" would suggest—so you can't go wrong there. I think these dudes broke up just recently too, which sucks, 'cause I'm liking what I'm hearing here, and it seems as though—at least on the surface—things were changing for the better.

Think I Care "Nature of the Beast"
Think I Care "Life Sentence"

Pick it up if you dig the tunes:

Bridge Nine
@ Very Distribution

Outbreak - FailureMuch like their last record, Outbreak's latest, "Failure" (also on Bridge Nine), is a quick blast of 16 tracks in about 20 minutes—taking a slightly different twist to the straight up hardcore for which the label is known through adding in a punk rock influence that seeps into the speedy power chords via some rocked out lead breaks and catchier arrangements. And, of course, those raging vocal sneers, which have more of a bitter and lightly sarcastic edge to 'em that reminds me a lot of Grimple and that kind of thing. Very cool, indeed. Every single track is less than two minutes long, so these kids pretty much cut to the chase and tear right through. "You Make Us Sick" sort of wore out its welcome with me after awhile, and while there's nothing about "Failure" that really hits me over the head or whatnot, this is a better looking/sounding album across the board, so I certainly have no complaints. I can't say enough good things about the vocal delivery, and I dig the general energy of the tunes as well, so... it's a pretty consistent listen through and through, and the fact that it's so short works in its favor. They definitely don't leave much breathing room for getting bored, and that's cool... so I can hang with this shit, for sure.

Outbreak "Chewed Up, Spit Out"
Outbreak "Handed to You"

Like it? Then buy it:

Bridge Nine
@ Very Distribution


  1. Think I care are fuckin rad, I’m on that!!! Andrew where are you sourcing your BM, you are picking up some obscure shit bro?? :)

    9.19.2006 | By xbenx

  2. It’s too bad that Think I Care broke up already. World Asylum is mint and I would’ve liked to have heard more from them.

    9.19.2006 | By eddie

  3. Haha, “blogging for cash.”

    9.19.2006 | By Tyrone

  4. I’m pretty sure Joel didn’t pay anything for you to buy Hell on Earth, hahah…

    9.19.2006 | By Anonymous

  5. way to stick to your guns andrew, that guy doesnt know shit and had no place throwing such accusations your way

    9.19.2006 | By Eric

  6. pretty funny, i know i love to read livejournal for music reviews!

    though, i do think that distance album really sucks.

    9.19.2006 | By Jon

  7. i started to type up a response on the other lj / blog thing than i realized it was a waste of time.  you can just tell the guy wants something to complain about.  so really what does it matter to me?  ... i think we all know that we have better shit to do…

    9.20.2006 | By EMS / COREGASM / SA MOB

  8. That guy from Live Journal is a schmuck.

    9.20.2006 | By xbenx

  9. Man, fuck that guy! He can go choke on his skull-filled-background for all I care. fuckin loser. Music is music period. He obviously has to lower himself to attack you so more people can come check out his disgustingly adorned website.

    9.20.2006 | By Adrianoso

  10. yeah you do your thing andrew ..we loved what you do to the music community, your actually contributing ..fuck that guy..he doesnt know shit about music..

    9.20.2006 | By Anonymous

  11. Alright shit is officialy gaytarded.  That guy tryin to hate on this website is a fool and that is clear.  For a long time its been cool to hate modern hardcore and all that, but now i gotta say the haters are becoming even more annoyning then the posers.  People to realize that this is music and it will never be perfect.  I totally appreciate this site, check it mostly everyday, and think its got a great appreciation of music in general.  I am pretty sure that asshole spends more time pointing his finger then he does listening - which is the worst.

    9.20.2006 | By Anonymous

  12. ROFLMAO!!!!!! GAYTARDED! (sighs) that made my day.

    9.20.2006 | By Anonymous

  13. That dude can go choke on his own cock.

    9.20.2006 | By Anonymous

  14. Cheers to a working class sight that is fair and balanced to all corners of heavy music.  Long live Aversionline!

    9.20.2006 | By Anonymous