"Saints", the debut full-length from San Diego's Destroy the Runner, may be a fairly typical dose of modern metalcore, but what can I say? I've tended to be a general fan of the quality of the Solid State roster and visual aesthetic over the years, and I dig this album. Screaming and clean singing? Yep, yep. Some chunky riffing that never really sheds the melody? Of course. Super polished dual guitar melodies that are a little more Iron Maiden than In Flames? Indeed... fuckin' tons of 'em. Like I said, it's nothing original, and I wouldn't exactly spin this on a regular basis, but for the most part I like it, and I could see these kids doing something a little more powerful/creative down the line based on the overall quality of their riffs/musicianship. As with all such bands they could stand for a little more diversity, though oddly enough on rare occasion I have to admit that when they branch out there are relatively mild elements of the songwriting here that sort of feel too pristine in terms of leaning towards a huge, almost major label-sounding kind of heavy alternative radio rock or something, which is sort of weird since I don't really get that vibe from the overall album. Part of that association probably stems from the nature of the recording, which is pretty damn slick (and I like that), I don't know. It's a decent record, though. And as always from the Solid State camp the layout looks ridiculously great, so I've gotta throw that in there.
Destroy the Runner "My Darkness"
Destroy the Runner "Thoughts in Reverse"
If you like it, buy it:
Compare Thoughts In Reverse with As I Lay Dying’s Confined. It starts out just like a rewrite.
11.29.2006 | By Dunamis
I remember when I fiirst heard He Is Legend’s album “I am Hollywood” and I it was strange cuz there were maybe only three songs that just blew me away. (The Seduction being one of them and this new version is even better, I think) However, the rest of the cd was jus TOO melodic for me so I was kinda torn on em but this new shit sounds like they’ve finally meshed their rocked out style nicely. Kudos.
11.29.2006 | By Adrianoso
....as for Destroy the Runner. bleh. too generic for me. I’m actually a lil disappointed. and that “breakdown” in “My Darkness” are you serious? I mean I swear it feels like I’ve heard this type of stuff way too much especially here in SD. I’m not saying they arent talented but….nothing special.
11.29.2006 | By Adrianoso
Good call on the He Is Legend - that 90125 CD was great, I gotta pick this one up.
11.30.2006 | By Invisible Oranges