
Ills “Demo 2008”

Ills - Demo 2008Ills is a brand spanking new band from Finland (Formed just two months ago!), and they've already recorded an extremely solid demo that plows through three tracks of straightforward, crunchy metallic hardcore with absolutely no frills whatsoever in just six minutes. Apparently some (Or all?) of the members are/have been active in other Finnish hardcore bands, but they seem to be keeping their identities under wraps for the time being. No matter, as it's a well-documented fact that I'm a huge fan of metallic hardcore from Finland, and these three tracks achieve a great balance of moderate speeds, tactful breakdowns, and a little bit of Clevo—which is never a bad thing! The metal influences never go too far, and the vocals have more of a bitter, sneering edge than one would expect, which is a great match for the subtly dirty grit of the guitar tone. I don't know what else to say, really. It's a short fucking demo and I've got no complaints. I'm already looking forward to hearing more, and apparently these cats work fast, so hopefully the wait won't be long...

Ills "Revisioning"

If you dig the track above, you can download the entire demo (for free) as high-quality mp3's from the band's website. The lyrics are there, too.

[DOWNLOAD] Ills "Demo 2008"


  1. Good band, good dudes, great tunes.

    3.27.2008 | By Matti