
Review: Inepsy “Rock ‘n’ Roll Babylon” CD

Holy Mot?rhead worship! These Canadians play some rockin' material with a pretty major set of influences drawn from Lemmy and company, straight down to the vocals (which are totally gruff and slightly deeper Lemmy's own). Shit, even the recording sounds dated in a late-70's/early-80's way! Unbelievable. The drumbeats are simple and straightforward with a crisp sound, the bass is in there, the guitar tone is somewhat thin and has a warm distortion to it (especially on the quick lead bursts), and so on. I didn't know what to expect from this, and I'd be hesitant to call it hardcore/punk on some level, despite the fact that the attitude is definitely there, but I'm not kidding around - this is fuckin' rock. I'm talking moderately paced chord progressions and blues based riffs/rhythms, the whole package. I'm impressed. Original? Hell no! But fuck that! This shit sounds exactly like old Mot?rhead! Exactly! Who could fault that!? It's pretty amazing how accurately they've nailed this whole angle, not only from a performance standpoint, but the production... I mean, wow. No stone is left unturned. "Street City Kids" messes with a few scarce hints at melody and has a little bit of a catchier format, and there's a little bit of harmonica used in "We Are Here to Climb" (you heard me), which mixes it up a little, but for the most part there's not too much happening in the way of variety. I love the cover art just because it sort of looks like a mid-80's thrash metal record or something like that (including the band logo), and the rest of the layout kicks out all of the lyrics and a collage of black and white band photos. Lyrically the songs deal with a bleak worldview and cover the general topics of war, political corruption, and more personal everyday life types of issues. "One more election, For a new lifestyle, For the tyrant, A psycho war, Who will put humanity at its death sentence? Why the aftermath of progress?" What else can be said? Mot?rhead is good and so is this. I'm all for it.

[Feral Ward]
Running time - 30:34, Tracks: 10
[Notable tracks: Who's Next, R'N'R Babylon, Born for the Road]
Feral Ward -