I've been introduced to several solid German acts lately, and the most recent is Coltan Leech, whose latest self-released demo, "A Seduction of Shadows", delivers an interesting blend of styles. Much of the material crosses over from churningly detuned masses of dissonant sludge behind strained shouting to lengthy instrumental passages that often bring melody to the fore via careful buildups from reverberated clean runs to layered distorted textures. There are a few minor rough patches in the recording, but for a self-released affair it really sounds quite nice. Admittedly there are a small handful of instances where misleadingly groovy riffs pop up that could mistakenly cause one to jump to the wrong conclusion about this band (most of them in "And Then, Hammerblows Came Ringing In...", which is the only track herein that feels somewhat lacking in terms of overall force), but I think part of that has something to do with the restraints of the production, and looking at the big picture I could envision these guys delivering some monolithically destructive material with even a modest budget, so there's a hell of a lot of potential present within these five tracks. That being said, do not, I repeat, do not judge the following track by the first riff. After the initial 10 seconds things flip over and become increasingly awesome, so stick with it!
Coltan Leech "A Spiral of Deflecting Mechanics"
Seeing as this is still a relatively new and developing group, you'll need to contact the band directly for ordering information. Who knows what the future will bring, but I'm hoping for the best from Coltan Leech. A couple of these tracks are already pretty fuckin' killer, and with the right opportunity I'm confident that these cats could do some serious damage. Not bad...
maybe i’m old, but it’s good to hear a band like Invade nowadays.
7.11.2006 | By chrisuede