The Darkness really was one of the greatest bands ever. God damn...
I think... maybe... I might... I hope... kinda... that I'll get back to somewhat "regular" updates in a couple of weeks after I complete the seemingly unending chore of ripping all of my "truly necessary" CD's. It's just taking forever... yeah.
I was just listening to both records the other day. “Lady Dinner Arms” and “Friday Night” are two of the best songs EVER.
8.1.2007 | By Andy
sorry, i will whole heartedly have to disagree here, bro…..
8.1.2007 | By L.Ron
They have about 4 solid songs between both albums. They were more of great concept on paper than in reality.
8.1.2007 | By Carlos
Man, I’d say they have about four “so-so” songs between both albums! The rest are fuckin’ GOLD!
8.1.2007 | By Andrew Aversionline
I’m going to have to disagree on The Darkness issue.
I have also been ripping my necessary CD’s, it really is a tedious chore.
8.1.2007 | By Swan
yes, im afraid id have to it’s “just you.” :)
8.1.2007 | By ankehaton
Dudes, try ripping your essential CDs when you don’t even have an internet connection at home (at work at the moment). I get to type in all the song titles by hand. Awesome.
8.1.2007 | By Grist
we will welcome your reviews back with open ears and eager eyes andrew!
8.1.2007 | By Anonymous
no the darkness is ghey and your a faggot
8.2.2007 | By frag me
Andrew, I think you meant Only Living Witness, but accidently typed The Darkness (both here and on youtube).
8.2.2007 | By Pim
I’m missing reviews on so many new records that have come out or will come out… The Red Chord, Nile, Destroyer Destroyer, Engineer, Miscreants, Arsonists Get All the Girls… we need you back!
8.2.2007 | By Andrew Chrzanowski
Pim, no way, dude. I meant The Darkness, I love The Darkness, and I’ve been listening to The Darkness for the past hour straight, ha, ha…
Andrew, to be totally honest with you, not one of those records was on deck before I took a break! Sorry!
8.2.2007 | By Andrew Aversionline
I love The Darkness! My dad loves The Darkness! How can anyone not love The Darkness? I need a one way ticket to hell… AND BACK! Yeah, baby!
8.2.2007 | By Dave
Dude…another zero irony, 100%, where-do-I-sign endorsement of The Darkness. The thickness of Thin Lizzy, the songs of Cheap Trick, and the FUCK YEAH of a great band. I get why people want to deride them, but I fully back them. Great shit. Both records, solid start to finish.
8.2.2007 | By Andy
Just take a rest Andrew, you’re talking nonsense :)
8.2.2007 | By Pim
I seriously Always thought these guys wrote the perfect soundtrack for an afterhours prison party. Yep, Its true…The Darkeness write prison tunes.
8.2.2007 | By Anonymous
dude, i saw an old entry of mine in lj and then i remembered your site! hope youre doing well. :)
hit me up sometime, well talk!
8.2.2007 | By audrey
Did they break up? whats with the “was a great band”“???
8.3.2007 | By Uncouth
The vocalist/guitarist quit when he left rehab. The rest of the dudes are gonna continue under a different name, but… I’m just not sure it’ll be as good. Perhaps we’ll see… one day…
8.3.2007 | By Andrew Aversionline
dude. am i alone here, or is MUSIC FROM THE ELDER by KISS actually a fucking MASTERPIECE. i have ALWAYS loved this album since i bought it in 1981. so im biased by 20 plus years of experience. but it still fucking rules today. THE OATH and UNDER THE ROSE are devastating, and the vocal harmonies are awesome. one day people will fucking realize this.
“Music from the Elder” is fantastic.
8.5.2007 | By svein
Bah, cheesy! `The thickness of Thin Lizzy’??? No way, they sound like cheesy shit in my ears…
10.27.2007 | By OK, OK, i'll fuckin' say something!