
Song of the Day: Kodiak, “Sinking Like a Rock” (2005)

I had originally planned to write about the equally underrated Big Collapse—featuring Josh Loucka (from Shift) and Gavin Van Vlack (from Burn, Absolution, etc.)—but then I decided I should go more obscure with Loucka's post-Big Collapse outfit, Kodiak. A band I know almost nothing about, thus selecting one of only two tracks still lingering around on an incredibly uninformative old MySpace page.

Not at all unlike Big Collapse, Kodiak played super catchy and hard rockin' emo/indie/post-hardcore-and-then-some. The entire demo is total fuckin' gold, and it absolutely breaks my heart that:

  1. The material was never released.
  2. Josh Loucka's not, to my knowledge, in a band anymore.

It's hard to believe this track is almost 10 years old at this point, and what a bummer that Kodiak never had the chance to take it further. You used to be able to download the demo from the bassist's website, but as far as I can tell it's no longer there!?

I've been raving about the fact that Loucka's a genius for years and years now. I've followed everything he's done since the early days of Shift (I'm pretty sure I even joined a Shift fan club or something to get The Get Rich Quick Scheme CD EP back when they were on Columbia), and it's all incredible. So... if you dig this track and are unfamiliar with his past efforts, you've got hours of amazing music to go track down!


  1. Josh is scoring television commercials these days in Los Angeles. A couple of years ago, I interviewed Gavin about his life as a fitness trainer in NYC:…

    9.10.2014 | By Carlos Ramirez

  2. Tell him to start another band! Pronto!

    9.10.2014 | By Andrew Aversionline