
L.I.G.H.T.: Anyone remember this band?

If anyone knows anything about the band L.I.G.H.T. please post a comment and let me know. The only song I have of theirs is this track from "The World is Yours" compilation that was released by Uprise Records in 1996. It's not an outstanding track, but it is pretty cool. Musically it's got a Snapcase meets Empathy thing happening with some weird vocal patterns and whatnot, and it's interesting enough for me to want to check out more (if they ever did anything else, though something tells me they did). However, since the band name is literally impossible to search for without a little more information to go on, I can't find shit online anywhere.

L.I.G.H.T. "Good Solution"

Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!


  1. hey man, yeah, light was from ohio (the clevo area i think). they had a five song cd put out that had a super long spoken word thingy at the end. i know they played out a lot with chalkline (who actually let them play half of their timeslot at michigan fest one year, matt shandle was always so nice!), pensive, and other bands from the ohio/pa. area during that time. i think the name has a couple of meanings, if i remember correctly it was “living in god’s harmony together” and maybe one or two other interpretations. i know at least a couple of the kids were christians, not sure if all of them were.  anyway, i still have the cd, it’s pretty good stuff (i remember it being really awesome for it’s time) and i can like make a tape of it or something if you want. let me know!

    3.12.2009 | By eric scobie

  2. Yikes, I kinda thought they were a christian band, which is fine, but if that’s what their name stands for that’s… a little over the top, ha.  What was the CD EP called, or was it self-titled?  What label released it?  I have a feeling it’ll be pretty hard for me to find a copy, so I might have to take you up on that.  Many thanks for the info!

    3.12.2009 | By Andrew Aversionline

  3. I believe they also had a track on a couple of comps. maybe just one. this will date me a bit but if you recall a distro called Deadself and a website of the same name but they released a comp in 99 or 00 called “radiowaves and gibberish” that had some standout tracks from some oft forgotten bands from that scene. actually, maybe it was steadfast records. anyhow, they had a track on there called Rotted Soil. Also on that comp were tracks by Proclamation, Subsist (who, in my opinion, were criminally underrated and now comprise the band Minsk if you can believe that), Training for Utopia and Through and Through. I’m pretty sure you’re correct in your assumption that they were a Christian band. Either way, good call.

    3.15.2009 | By Luke

  4. and, on that note, if anyone has either subsist record (lessons in brokenness or the rhythm method) can someone upload it to mediafire? they’ve both been out of print for quite some time and are incredibly hard to find.

    3.15.2009 | By Luke

  5. wow. eric scobie. i haven’t seen that name in ages. send me those subsist albums dude. i’ll drop you some cash if you have any copies left. this is luke tobias from goshen/nappanee. intense.

    3.15.2009 | By Luke

  6. Is that Eric Scobie from MI?

    3.15.2009 | By aaron

  7. hey luke,
    good to hear from you man. i just pulled my last copy of “lessons in brokenness” from the old akeldama box that has been collecting dust in my attic for the longest. just send me your address and it’ll be on the way. no need to send any loot for it. as for “the rhythm method”....they put that out themselves, so i never had any extra copies to distro or whatever, just my own personal copy. i’d be more than happy to dub it for you and send it along with the cd.  as for uploads and mediafire, man i’m stuck in the stone age on that junk, don’t even have an ipod. sorry. but i can at least send you physical copies of the goods. email me at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) and we’ll get it rollin. 
    good to hear from you man.

    3.15.2009 | By eric scobie

  8. yes, aaron it is i. how do we know each other? i’ve never been down to virginia.

    3.15.2009 | By eric scobie

  9. I used to live in MIchigan. I was in a horrible band called curse of instinct in the late 90s, and we played quite a few out of town shows.  I am pretty sure you booked us in GR at one time.

    3.29.2009 | By aaron

  10. yeah i remember curse of instinct. i think my buddy yann actually booked that show. he was pissed cuz neel spazzed at one point during your set and tackled him. that junk was funny. yann was always super serious about everything, and definitely didn’t appreciate neel’s enthusiasm. glad to hear you’re still rockin’. let me know if you guys get that show hooked up in detroit this summer, i’ll try to be there. try getting it touch with the people at static age or refuge, those are the two d.i.y. venues that are still doing stuff.

    3.30.2009 | By eric scobie

  11. I grew up around the cleveland ohio area and ive been searching for a copy of any of L.I.G.H.T “s music. I would love to hear their cd again. if anyone can help plese e-mail me at   .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

    8.11.2009 | By aaron lee

  12. I have that Subsist EP uploaded,

    11.9.2009 | By Aaron

  13. I grew up listening to LIGHT along with everything else the Clevo scene had to offer back in the day.  I do have the Good Solution EP and also the split they did with Watership Down and Chalkine if anyone is looking for it.  Just email me: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

    I’d be more than happy to share it.

    12.28.2010 | By Joshua S


    Been getting alot of emails about this so I figure I’d just post the link to the download.

    6.10.2011 | By Joshua S

  15. Joshua - L.I.G.H.T. was a big part of my listening youth, brother. GOOD SHIT! Been looking for years!

    10.31.2011 | By LIHC Fucker

  16. And what the f are the lyrics to Good Solution?

    11.26.2011 | By LIHC Fucker

  17. I have their 3-way split cd with Chalkline and Watership Down

    1.12.2012 | By Fauzan

  18. i was just hanging with the guitarist for L.I.G.H.T. today. he sent me their music. i’m sure he’d love to catch up with you guys and hook you up.

    5.6.2012 | By k.r.

  19. I have the Live Together In Good Harmony cd, bought it when it was new.  There is a very long spoken word disclaimer at the end about anti violence, god, vegetarianism, No Fun Club stuff.  It’s a decent CD.  The version of Good Solution on The Uprise Records comp sounds way better. I liked Uprise. I wish I had that comp.  SKIPLINE was an awesome uprise band.  I just bought their tracks online not to long ago, it was great to hear again.

    “A gift so valuable and sacred, inherited controlled by the master breed, if left up to us it will soon be dead, there is never enough to fulfill their greed…”

    I’m just going by memory here

    1.5.2013 | By Justin

  20. Wow. You guys rock. I really appreciate the responses.  I still love that “Great Outdoors” intro by Dan Aykroyd. Classic.

    I would love to talk to the guitarist from LIGHT; he is a talented and creative guy. It’s really kind of amazing how such young guys put such brilliant stuff together, Christian or not.

    Thanks to Justin for the partial lyrics! Anyone else willing to post the full set to Good Solution?

    Thanks guys.


    10.6.2013 | By LIHC

  21. Could you post a link? I have noticed that my Chalkline songs are corrupt and I don’t have the CD anymore to re-rip.

    10.8.2013 | By Joshua S

  22. Yes. Agreed. Please post!

    10.8.2013 | By LIHC

  23. Hi!

    Check out this youtube-channel. One of the guys from LIGHT posted all their releases and has links to lyrics, explanations and so on:

    4.6.2015 | By Kimmo