
Mehkago N.T. and Protest…

Mehkago N.T. - s/tThe self-titled debut from Florida's Mehkago N.T. cranks out five tracks in less than 15 minutes and is sort of like the hardcore equivalent of "war metal" (an aesthetic that carries right over into the high contrast imagery of the layout): It's raw as fuck, it's generally fast and somewhat abrasive, and there's a certain degree of unhinged ferocity going on throughout. Obviously this means that there are more influences at work than with your standard hardcore band, and metal's certainly a driving force, but despite that fact there's an undeniable hardcore aesthetic throughout the vast majority of the compositions. And hell, I'm all for the occasional foray into twisted dissonance or sludgy midpaced riffing, so this is a great introduction to these dudes for sure. There's a blown-out character to the vocals that works well against the rugged guitar tone and the pounding thuds of the basslines, so even though the recording could use minor touching up, I'm guessing they'll always try to retain this sort of edge (and with good reason). When all is said and done they're not rewriting the book on any given genre, but there's something interesting about what's going on here that gets my attention and makes me wonder where they're going to go with this stuff...

Mehkago N.T. "Siafu Attack"

It's a little pricey for a professional-looking CD-R in xeroxed packaging that's limited to 100 copies, but this is good shit, and I'll be psyched to hear more from this curious outfit in the future, so pick one up from the band's website if this is your thing.

Protest - The Truth Enslaves Us"The Truth Enslaves Us", the debut EP from Protest, finds the Texans unloading five tracks of surprisingly taut late-80's/early-90's styled thrash fused with an air of chunky metallic hardcore. There's room for improvement of course, but overall this is a strong debut, right down to the recording, which is well-balanced and consistent—certainly better than average compared to the bulk of the self-released efforts that tend to cross my path. I'd like to hear the basslines brought forth a hint more, but other than that everything's on the right track in that department. Expect loads of meaty riffs and picking patterns across a range of tempos, with burly vocals and even some darker, Bolt Thrower-esque uses of melody here and there. It's a pretty curious blend overall, what with the chaotic Slayer-meets-early-Megadeth style of lead playing over thicker and often more moderately paced rhythms. And while the thrashy elements have more in common with the last decade's "hardcore" than anything, the metallic hardcore edge rests more in the background here, allowing the chugging heaviness to create a different sort of vibe in large part. Not bad at all.

Protest "Fueled by Hate"

Contact the band via their website or MySpace for ordering information, and keep your eyes out for more down the road. The best should be yet to come...


  1. the drummer sux!

    1.17.2007 | By jop

  2. Protest is f***in’ awesome!!  jop, you’re a freaking moron.

    1.17.2007 | By jm

  3. protest will make you eat their shit, then youll shit out their shit,then theyll eat your shit which is made up of their shit,then all you mother fuckers are gonna pay. it is you who are the ball lickers!!

    1.17.2007 | By Ed Gein

  4. The drummer and I sleep together.

    1.17.2007 | By Man

  5. My neck hurts from banging my head through this entire EP.  I saw them live in Denton with Maiden Texxas, and they’re definitely worth seeing live.  They’re playing Saturday in Dallas.  Go.

    1.17.2007 | By DoubleVisible

  6. How could you say the drummer sucks? You might need to listen to them a bit closer. WOW! That guy is on fire! That makes me wanna take a trip to the U.S. and stop by Texas! I have not heard a metal band as good as this in forever! SOLD!

    1.17.2007 | By terrance

  7. yeah, but Mehkago is way better in my opinion…

    1.17.2007 | By Anonymous

  8. Protest is a guitar driven band not a well rounded band at all. It has good meaty guitar chunks, and half ass drums, not nothing to compensate for todays style nor direction of heavy music.

    Sorry dudes

    1.17.2007 | By ASsholee

  9. Heavy, Old School, Thrashy, Intense, those are the words that come to mind with this release.  I would love to see Ronnie incorporate some of the Hardcore sound of the almighty BloodTies (RIP), but all in all good stuff.

    1.18.2007 | By GUMBO

  10. Nothing like some old school thrashin jam!

    Can’t wait to get you guys booked for Bayou Fest 07.

    \m/  Conbud \m/

    1.18.2007 | By Conbud

  11. To Assholees point, I dont think these guys are trying do anything in the style of todays heavy music. They’re rooted in old school thrash and it shows. Keep it up!

    1.18.2007 | By Jesus