
Misery Speaks “s/t” CD

Misery Speaks - s/tI actually didn't even know that Alveran Records was still around until recently, but the latest self-titled CD from Misery Speaks sees the label sticking to its roots with a fierce blend of European metalcore and melodic Swedish styled death metal that, for my money, rises above the pack fairly significantly. Despite there being little mention of the band's self-released debut album online, this is indeed the German quintet's sophomore full-length, which offers up a fairly straightforward attack of aggressive snarls over riffs that jump from relatively typical alternate picking fare with thrashy undercurrents to occasionally churning breakdowns and forceful melodies with just enough of a twist to keep things interesting. It's really nothing new, but I feel that the songwriting is more energetic than average, and a lot of the melodies have a certain intensity to them that reminds me a bit of earlier Gardenian, which is definitely a good thing in my book, and not something that I encounter all that often from this particular niche of metal. The songwriting definitely exhibits a consistent level of quality, and I enjoy the results. I dig the aesthetic of the layout as well, what with the intriguing graphics and handwritten lyrics, etc. Nicely done.

Misery Speaks "First Bullet Hits"
Misery Speaks "Where Truth Lies"

Pick it up if you're down with the tracks:

Alveran Records


  1. I love that tornado riff at the start of the first track. This is very good and a solid argument for metalcore’s validity. At the same time I think breakdowns sound stupid in stuff like those. Otherwise, great black-metalish twist to the guitars. The second track is a bit more straightforward. Not bad, but obvious. Good post.

    9.6.2006 | By Eric

  2. Yeah, I’ve ordered this, just awaiting it ;) What were Gardenian like Andrew?

    9.6.2006 | By xbenx

  3. The vocals weren’t that bad… for metalcore, that is.

    Yeah, the breakdowns sound lame.

    9.6.2006 | By Anonymous

  4. Speaking of bands with Misery in the name, I know you enjoyed their debut a lot and I’d like to hear your thoughts on the new Misery Signals cd. I enjoy it, but it’s got its somewhat bothersome moments and nothing will ever top Of Malice and the Magnum Heart. Now I need to listen to Misery Speaks.

    9.6.2006 | By Logan

  5. i put out a 10” by a band with the guy who runs Averian Records - he ripped me off a long time ago, but I still won’t support him or any of his releases (I know this has little to do with Misery Speaks) just adding my $0.02 - the guys a fuck.

    9.6.2006 | By steve

  6. Ben, Gardenian was basically standard melodic Swedish death metal except that they started to experiment more vocally, and their riffs had a really unique sense of melody to ‘em.  I absolutely love their first two records and find them highly underrated.

    Logan, I’m gonna post about the new Misery Signals probably next week. My initial take on it is similar to yours, but I definitely dig it.

    Steve, that blows, I’m really sorry to hear that.

    9.7.2006 | By Andrew Aversionline

  7. Gardenian had great ideas, but weren’t the best songwriters.  however, tracks like small electric space and long snap to zero are still favorites to this day

    9.7.2006 | By Eric

  8. This is nice. Not something I’d like to buy but after listenning to Sigh this was strangely enjoyable. Thank you.

    9.10.2006 | By Hororo

  9. Yeah, I was diggin it till that first breakdown. And I LIKE breakdowns but they should have left that part out. Or done a better job of it.

    9.20.2006 | By Adrianoso