I was pleased to receive another solid slab of black metal recently from God is Myth Records in the form of Nocturnal's "Unholycraft—Blood for Glory of Satan". This is another band that I'm not familiar with, and I believe this is their debut full-length as well? Whatever the case, this is straightforward raw black metal from Poland that, as the album title might suggest, carries with it some rather amusing song titles that certainly make it clear that the band is, like... evil, dude. They stick with the standards all around, right down to the black and white layout with loads of photos of the band members sneering constipatedly towards the sky through corpsepainted gazes (and yes, a pentagram and inverted crosses aplenty in the band logo). It's nothing fancy, so expect large doses of moderately fast riffing with occasionally dissonant pounding breaks and a tactfully warped sort of recording the gives the vocals a distant wail while the rhythm section thumps away and the guitars fill out the core with a sound that's rough without being overly thin or harsh. I know this genre has a massive air of cheesiness surrounding it, but what I can say, I really dig the vibe of the music when it's done right, and this release is the kind of thing that should appeal to fans of the style who prefer the no bullshit approach of the old days.
Nocturnal "Deep Within Enchanted Lands"
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wow this satanic stuff is amazing
3.27.2006 | By Anonymous
that Mord song is awesome. the happy-sounding crap at 1:38 made the whole thing for me. Definately gonna buy it
3.27.2006 | By wes
haven’t checked out the Mord album yet, but if you can find it, i wholly recommend the Mord (ger.) ‘morde’ album… it’s a rager: http://www.metal-archives.com/release.php?id=41318.
3.28.2006 | By -cja
The Mord is good, but I think this Nocturnal shit slays bro.
Nice post. Damn!
4.1.2006 | By The Corpse Glide
That Mord track is sooo cliche 90’s-fast-blek and pretty damn boring at that. The drums have absolutely no variation and the fill-break every couple of seconds irritates so much after a bit you can’t even focus on the rest of the song.
I’d rather put on any Marduk album from Panzer Divion or earlier.
The Nocturnal tracks is much better but still somewhat dated.
4.7.2006 | By Mikeee