Not unlike their recent split with Kenoma (which was also released by Translation Loss Records), "The Ties That Blind", Mouth of the Architect's second full-length, sees their pounding, Neurosis-esque heaviness contrasted by lush clean passages and atmospheric textures with loads of lengthy instrumental segments that explore a more somber melodic side. The shortest song is seven minutes, and the total running time for the six compositions is more than an hour, so... simple mathematics demonstrates that these are some lengthy tracks. It's not uncommon herein for a 10+ minute excursion to contain but a few lines of lyrics, and they're definitely continuing to differentiate themselves from the "bands that sound like Neurosis" category (though, again, as I mentioned in my very first Mouth of the Architect review some time ago, that was never a negative characteristic for this particular outfit). They actually recorded as a trio this time around, and all of the bass contributions came from Brian Cook of These Arms Are Snakes (and ex-Botch), thus helping to solidify the low-end pulses provided by synths and samples. And, as expected, the overall sound is nice and thick, with well-rounded textures and a warm sense of character that helps keep things clear without lacking cohesion. While I enjoyed the band's debut, I have to say that I really appreciate their increasing diversity and songwriting development, because I find this album to be both more moving and, perhaps as a result, more memorable. And I dig the lyrics as well, which are curiously abstract yet often still direct (if that makes any sense):
Our hands withstood the aches of time to find the will to carry on. Stretch my skin across the sky, let the light bleed through me.
Nice, simple layout with plenty of metallic silver ink, too. Good stuff.
Mouth of the Architect "At Arms Length"
This one's not officially out until late-August, but it's currently available direct from the label as a pre-order that I believe starts shipping today, so hop to it if this is your thing:
I’m not defending SL, but I don’t know if Malefic can say anything about integrity, as Xasthur is going to work with the same label of the kvlt and grim… ‘Daughters’! >:-[
8.1.2006 | By Anonymous
The Xasthur/Hydra Head thing is a little weird, though I think HH is doing another black metal record or two as well? Either way, it is somewhat odd, but whatever. I don’t keep up with HH as much as I’d like these days but they were always great people and have done some killer shit over the years across numerous genres, so… aesthetically speaking it could make sense as I’d guess the packaging will be awesome (I hope). HH’s distribution is no better than Moribund’s I don’t think, and isn’t Malefic one of those dudes that refuses most interviews? I don’t even know if it matters, the dude does some killer music, and when it comes to HH I see no “integrity” question at all - unless you’re speaking strictly in terms of the super kvlt black metal l33t, ha, ha…
8.1.2006 | By Andrew Aversionline
The Mouth of the Architect stuff was alright. I’d describe as “Eye of Every Storm” Neurosis music with “Through Silver in Blood” era Neurosis vocals, which was my favorite period. Still having trouble accepting other bands doing that sound though. Decent.
As far as the black metal feud, I’m pretty sure social anthropologists will be studying black metal 100 years from now and every good school will offer an undergrad course in it. Such a bizarre culture. Couldn’t Xasthur just cast a “Conflagration of Fire +10” on SL and end it permanently? Seriously, this is what happens when you don’t talk to your kids enough.
8.1.2006 | By Johnny
I caught Mouth of the Architect’s recent performance in Brooklyn and I was impressed. They played No One WIshed to Settle Here live and it was formidable.
Upon listening to the ablum (on headphones and on speakers) I think it’s one of my top two picks for 2006. Between this and Zyklon’s Disintegrate, I’m a very happy man.
8.1.2006 | By luke
Hey man, can you post Vinnie Vincent Invasion’s “Boyz are gonna rock” ?
8.1.2006 | By Anonymous
This track is great. Thank you so much for posting it. I am looking forward to read what you have to say about the latest Eighteen Vision and Helmet.
8.1.2006 | By Hororo
andrew, what’s keeping you from checking out the new callisto for so long? do it now, man, it’s incredible.
8.3.2006 | By chris