Having released a handful of splits since 2006, this marks the full-length debut from French act Nesseria (released by Trendkill Recordings), as well as my first exposure to their work. You can expect a pretty furious dose of grinding "metalcore" (for lack of a better term) from this one. I know "metalcore" is such a dirty, misleading term, but these cats really do offer a powerful and efficient blend of caustic, explosive grindcore blasts with only the best of what contemporary definitions of "metalcore" have to offer: Twisted flurries of discordant guitar textures held in place by a sense of "controlled chaos", frantic bursts of speed, darker midpaced runs with fucked up bends and weird, chugging chord phrasings, etc. And nothing but completely sick screams in the vocal department—no singing, no over the top growls or squeals... just the good stuff. On occasion they start to hint at that big, crushing sort of sound that a lot of bands from France and Switzerland have kinda nailed in the last decade, but this material's so much more frantic and in your face, and the ever-so-slightly rugged edge of the recording pulls them back from that direction as well (which is neither a good nor a bad thing, just a perception). All of the song titles are in French, so I assume the same goes for the lyrics. I don't have 'em, but titles that translate to statements such as "To Those Who Have Failed Us", "By Profit and Loss", etc. show signs of promise for the lyrical content to be as strong as the music.
Nesseria "A Ceux Qui Nous Ont Lachés"
I'm not seeing this one around in any distros, but you can pick it up from the band or the label. They may have more information about potential distribution sources outside of Europe as well...
This is nasty as hell and pretty dark. I’m into it.
Sounds like extreme metal to me. At least the song you posted.
3.22.2010 | By Birkir
Woooow this sounds very very good. If the whole album is in this style I will need to buy it. Far better than most of the nowadays metalcore bands…
3.22.2010 | By Carlos
A positive review on Aversionline is always a seal of quality hehe… We are releasing this album in 12’, it will be available for the end of april. And you can pre-order it at http://throatruinerrecords.bigcartel.com/ !
3.23.2010 | By Throatruiner Records
Wow, is right…that’s NOT what I had in mind when you mentioned the word metalcore. (a LABEL I’m not too fond of either) As for the music?...No, thank you. Not my cup O’ tea.
3.24.2010 | By Adrianoso
The band is playing here in Croatia next month. Sounds like it could be money well spent, shit’s wild and vicious.
3.25.2010 | By Chris
LP’s are availables!!!
5.29.2010 | By Throatruiner Records