One of the latest from Hex Records is the debut EP from Syracuse's Night Owls, which includes three new songs, their three-song demo, and a 17-minute live set from late-2008. Apparently all of the members "have logged serious time in numerous area bands", but I have no idea on the details there, aside from the fact that the drummer happened to be in that great (yet obscure) 90's hardcore band Cross-Section that I mentioned a few weeks ago. Regardless, Night Owls are definitely taking an atypical approach, and this is a little outside of what I'm used to hearing from Hex Records, or hardcore-based labels in general, for that matter. That's not a bad thing, though, as their influences and approach aren't completely far-fetched. Also not a bad thing is the fact that I really have no idea how I'd classify this stuff. There's a little bit of a Dischord kinda thing happening, there's some killer post-hardcore dissonance here and there, and for the most part the tunes are rooted in a catchy, midpaced, rocked out vein that carries both an indie aesthetic as well as punk influences. It's not too polished, not too raw, not catchy in a poppy way, but not overly angular either... I don't know. Who cares, really? They're cool songs, it's a good listen... that's all that matters, right? Check 'em out and make up your own mind!