
Pale Creation/Abraxis split 7”

Pale Creation/Abraxis - splitFrom Thirty Days of Night Records comes this new split 7" between Cleveland's Pale Creation and Australia's Abraxis. It's kind of crazy to think that damn near 20 years since their formation as essentially an obscure thrash metal band, Pale Creation is still cranking out new material here and there in increasingly dark, brooding forms. Both of their tracks herein are loaded with droning riffs, eerily melodic bass runs, relatively slow-paced power chords, and an assortment of shouting/spoken vocals mixed right in against the instruments. There's definitely a very specific atmospheric quality to Pale Creation's material, giving them a uniquely identifiable sound not shared with any other artists. Abraxis then cranks out one six-minute track that opens with a few creeping, black metal-esque chord phrasings and some doomy melodic lead lines before breaking into their expected attack of ripping metallic hardcore with a good dose of energetic speed, crunchy breakdowns, and scathing vocals. This piece definitely covers a lot of ground, though, as in addition to the unexpected twists that kick things off, they slow things down towards the end and start to bring in some clean guitars to change up the feel again. I've written about both of these bands multiple times in the past, so I'm sure it comes as no surprise that I'm a fan, and certainly look forward to hearing more new material from each!

Copies of the 7" include download codes, and the record is available on clear yellow/red vinyl (120 copies), white/grey vinyl (120 copies), or black vinyl (60 copies). You can also score the mp3's at Bandcamp for a few bucks, which is always awesome!

Get It

Thirty Days of Night Records (clear yellow/red vinyl)
Thirty Days of Night Records (white/grey vinyl)
Thirty Days of Night Records (black vinyl)
Bandcamp (mp3)


  1. really good split. Thanks Nick, Andy and all members for this gift of art. Also nice to see what PC can do without matt shack

    7.6.2011 | By Anonymous

  2. I like previous PC effort a little more but this is very good as well!

    7.6.2011 | By Carlos

  3. Awesome, I’ll have to pick this up.

    7.8.2011 | By Anonymous

  4. I recently got this split through the post from TDON, as part of their singles club. I’m just waiting to fix my record player so I can listen to it, but from what i’ve heard it’s awesome!

    7.9.2011 | By James

  5. I’m speechless, Pale creation are so AWESOME and Abraxas is one of the best bands to come out of Australia since Miles Away. I need this i’m ordering.

    8.14.2011 | By Khalil Boulos

  6. I’ve got this record. It’s pretty brutal, especially Abraxis. I think Abraxis are a one man band too, which is even more incredible!

    1.17.2012 | By James Williams