
Pale Creation “s/t” 7”

Pale Creation - s/tStill kickin' after nearly two decades of (unwarranted) relative obscurity, Pale Creation has suddenly resurfaced with this brand new, self-titled, two-song 7" on A389 Recordings. This time out the band's ever-shifting landscape of gloomy metal with smatterings of hardcore is largely driven by reverberated clean guitars and monotone singing countered by chugging power chords and raw, stripped down screams—including some guest vocals from Dwid during opener "Wake of Temptation", which also features loads of droning melodies that occasionally open up into scorching, Integrity-esque lead bursts. And before branching out into a similar approach, "Rose Colored Haze" even starts out with some eerie ambient drones, piano, and martial percussion—proving once again that Pale Creation remains unconcerned with the traditional limitations of their core genre(s). Since the entire EP's just two tracks in about 10 minutes, here's an excerpt to give you an idea of what to expect:

Pale Creation "Wake of Temptation" (excerpt)

I believe the red vinyl pre-orders are already sold out, and the remaining copies (on black) will likely follow. Each record comes with a digital download card, so you'll be good to go even if you don't have time to spin the vinyl. Pick one up if you like what you hear, as always...

Get It

A389 Recordings


  1. Damn I love this band.

    6.23.2010 | By Marcus Garvey

  2. this sounds like one hell of a motherfucker!

    6.23.2010 | By Andy

  3. most underated band
    it’s a shame

    6.24.2010 | By sepia

  4. Killer!

    6.24.2010 | By Ingo

  5. Awesome band! Beginning of Rose Colored Haze is one of the best intros of all time!

    6.26.2010 | By Carlos

  6. Can’t believe they’re still going, awesome.

    6.26.2010 | By Jack

  7. These 2 songs are great, cant wait to here some more new stuff.

    6.29.2011 | By Anonymous