I knew absolutely nothing about this band prior to popping this disc in for the first time, but seeing that it was released by Auxiliary Records was a good sign, and when you combine that with the disc's killer packaging (one of those little chipboard envelope "arigato pak" things, complete with four-color screenprinting that's heavy on the metallic silver ink) I had a feeling this was gonna be some good shit. The label's website refers to the release as "the much sought-after unreleased full-length from Pusher, featuring Steve Sindoni (Breather Resist), Matt Jaha (Coliseum), and Eric McManus (Lords)", which gives you a bit of background as well as informing you that the band is sadly no longer around, but... full-length? No. The disc's 11 tracks barely pass the 12-minute mark, so... we're talking full-blown EP here. Full-length? Not even close. Only one track beats two minutes, and it's basically an outro consisting of a lone drum beat underneath various feedback noises and such. Thankfully, however, the prior 10 tracks blaze through a frantic and grinding form of hardcore/punk that's tight and energetic (vocals = excellent) while also tactfully loose and noisy—not to mention perfectly recorded given that stylistic balance. There's a pretty good range of influences going on, so the band was kind of operating in one of those "familiar yet inventive" spaces, which I tend to find pretty impressive... so this is yet another high-quality release from the stacked deck of the Louisville scene. Nicely done, and a damn shame the band couldn't keep it together for more than a few months!
Pusher "And We're Off"
Pusher "Scapehole"
First i discover Breather Resist way too late, now this… Someone is lacing the Louisville water supply with massive amounts of awesome, apparently.
11.20.2007 | By Mike
Mike said:
Someone is lacing the Louisville water supply with massive amounts of awesome, apparently.
It’s their reparations for the absolute total shit that rolled out of there in the 90’s.
11.20.2007 | By Johnny
“It’s their reparations for the absolute total shit that rolled out of there in the 90’s.”
Ha, I back that comment…XINVICTUSX, what a shower of shit!
11.20.2007 | By Son Of Man
this is great. if they were only together a few months, they were extremely tight for that amount of time, and I am jealous at the quality of the song writing within…although the tracks personally are almost unsatisfyingly short, but I love the sound these guys put out.
11.20.2007 | By Steve Z
Pretty alright stuff.
The 90’s far from sucked for Louisville music—Slint, Rodan, Guilt, Rachel’s, Shipping News, June of 44—all great bands. I’m guessing you don’t dig post rock?
11.20.2007 | By justin
Nice post. I love Breather Resist. And this Pusher doesn’t sound bad either. If in a band sings Steve Sindoni, I think nothing can go wrong.
There is this French band called I Pilot Dæmon. Andrew do you know this band? You should check it out.
11.21.2007 | By Sergei
You can keep your post rock (although Guilt was horribly pretentious shit). I was thinking more along the lines of the aforementioned xINVICTUSx, Enkindel(s), By The Grace of God, Elliot, et. all.
11.21.2007 | By Johnny
Yeah, those bands did pretty much suck though BTGOG had exactly two really good songs.
11.26.2007 | By Justin