
Song of the Day: Room of the Mad Robots, “By Design,” from Rat King Racket (Edge, 2015)

The second group from this list of 10 Hungarian Metal Bands that has been selected for a Song of the Day post (the other being Apey & The Pea, if you missed it), Room of the Mad Robots recently issued a new full-length album, Rat King Racket, that offers up 10 tracks that are somewhat comparable to the not-quite-mainstream, not-quite-underground "alternative metal" of last week's pick, Aftersmoke—though darker, sludgier, and with a subtly psychedelic twist.

Still, tracks like "By Design" really open up into some hard-hitting choruses with solid riffs and great vocal harmonies. If Rat King Racket is a little much of a slow-burning grower for you, 2012's I Stray is slightly more straightforward, and also very much recommended.