
Savage Land “Honor Among Thieves” 7”

Savage Land - Honor Among Thieves"Honor Among Thieves" is the first proper release from Virginia's Savage Land, as well as the first release from the drummer's new label, Tension Head Records. Included are four furious tracks of straightforward hardcore with ragingly pissed off vocals and a good amount of tempo changes from pounding midpaced power chords with roaming basslines to moderate speeds with some raw lead breaks and quick little dissonant riffs thrown in here and there for good measure. The recording's nice and thick, which adds a definite sense of heaviness to their attack while still retaining a little bit of ruggedness through the use of such natural tones. I hate to keep it so short, but at just nine-and-a-half minutes long that's about all there is to it. This is yet another hardcore band from around here that's definitely got the right idea, so I'll be looking forward to seeing where they take things down the road. Good stuff...

Savage Land "Spiritual Healing"

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Tension Head Records
A389 Recordings
Grave Mistake Records
Six Feet Under Records