The lineup of Philadelphia, PA's Seagrave finds a couple of former '90s hardcore vets (Autumn vocalist George Chamberlin and Brother's Keeper guitarist Chris Bazan) crankin' out some seriously riff-centric "stoner rock" (for lack of a better term) jams. It kind of strikes me as Goatsnake meets Only Living Witness, with higher-pitched vocals that—due to the lineup ties—unavoidably bring to mind certain facets of a sorely missed style of '90s melodic hardcore.
"Riders" is the longest and most badass track, opening with Southern-tinged dual guitar runs before diving into some of the chunkiest midpaced rhythms of the entire affair; and that hard-hitting energy drives the whole composition.
The full demo's available as a name your price download via Bandcamp, and the group's already working on new material for a proper release later this year, so keep your eyes peeled...