
Slaxxmaal “Reality Check…” 7”

Slaxxmaal - Reality Check: Ansiktet Ditt er en Personlig FornærmelseAvailable from Lyderhorn Records, though I don't think it's an "official" Lyderhorn release, "Reality Check: Ansiktet Ditt er en Personlig Fornærmelse" is the first vinyl output from Norwegian grinders Slaxxmaal—tearing through 19 songs in just six minutes. And this is without a doubt some of the most "serious" grindcore you will ever hear in your life, from their extremely "in tune" and "accurate" cover of the Misfits' "Some Kinda Hate", to the numerous six-second outbursts of not at all noisy, never chaotic grind mayhem. There's nary a shred of humor or lightheartedness here. Nah. Sarcasm? Huh? Forget the fact that song titles like "Vet du Ka? Du e så Stygg at eg må Spy Opp Ting eg Allerede Har Drete ut, du Stygge Stygge Umenneske (Eg Spyr så Jævli at Driten Blir Sugt Opp av Dass og Inn i Ræven og Gjennom Fordøyelseskanalen og ut Kjeften, så Jævlig Spyr eg av Det Stygge Trynet Ditt)" are almost always longer than the songs themselves. But in all seriousness, there is a rather badass layout, with absolutely killer looking cover art and a slew of collaged photos inside of the band practicing, in the studio, or just hanging around—all creating the illusion that they take themselves much more seriously than they do. This is further evidenced by the crude little xeroxed insert for the lyrics (which, like the titles, are all in Norwegian), hand-numbered out of 300 copies and complete with random artwork such as little hairy penis drawings and other "high-brow" doodlings. I'm guessing that there's an absolute wealth of hilarity to be found herein, but without speaking a shred of Norwegian much of it's lost for me. But that doesn't mean I can't appreciate that it's there!

Slaxxmaal "En Kjekk og Grei Liten Pre-skrevet Anmeldelse av Denne Platen du Hører på nå, Slik at du Slipper å Anstrenge Deg Mer Enn Høyst Nødvendig Når du Skal Fortelle de Støgge tjommiene Dine Hvor Drit Skiten Er"
Slaxxmaal "Eg Skrev en Bok/Some Kinda Hate"

Get It

Lyderhorn Records


  1. wheew what a long song title :))
    i hope they will put something on CD in the future.

    4.9.2008 | By Bill

  2. good shit. they could do well without the “little bit boring” slow/punk/sarcastic parts, though.

    4.9.2008 | By Anonymous

  3. shit sandwich?

    4.9.2008 | By kevin

  4. Kevin: God dammit, you’re right! That’s our “subtle” pre-written review of the record on the record. Always two steps ahead…

    4.9.2008 | By svein

  5. is this like Norways answer to Anal Cunt? i like Anal Cunt better…..

    4.9.2008 | By L.Ron


    4.9.2008 | By Adrianoso

  7. I can always appreciate hairy penises

    4.9.2008 | By A K U M A

  8. The titles are amazing, though.. Sick stuff, but what the hell.. I can translate the titles for you guys, so you’ll know how serious this stuff is.. “Vet du Ka? Du e sÃ¥ Stygg at eg mÃ¥ Spy Opp Ting eg Allerede Har Drete ut, du Stygge Stygge Umenneske (Eg Spyr sÃ¥ Jævli at Driten Blir Sugt Opp av Dass og Inn i Ræven og Gjennom Fordøyelseskanalen og ut Kjeften, sÃ¥ Jævlig Spyr eg av Det Stygge Trynet Ditt)” translates to : “You Know What? You’re So Ugly that I Have to Vomit Stuff that I’ve Already Shitted Out, You Ugly Ugly Unhuman ( I Vomit so Fucking Much that my Shit Gets Sucked Out of the Toilet and Into my Ass Again, Through my Digestive Insides and Out my Mouth, that’s how Fucking Much I Puke Because of Your Ugly Face)”

    “En Kjekk og Grei Liten Pre-skrevet Anmeldelse av Denne Platen du Hører pÃ¥ nÃ¥, Slik at du Slipper Ã¥ Anstrenge Deg Mer Enn Høyst Nødvendig NÃ¥r du Skal Fortelle de Støgge tjommiene Dine Hvor Drit Skiten Er” translates to: “A Handy Little Pre-written Review of this Record You’re Now Listening to, So you Don’t Have to Tire Yourself Out When You’re Going to Tell Your Ugly Homies How Shitty it is”

    And, the last one ; “Eg Skrev en Bok/ Some Kinda Hate” translates to “I Wrote a Book/ Some Kinda Hate”

    I have to say, I really love this thing.. I’m a huge grindcore fan, and it’s great to hear someone who does it just for the friggin’ fun of it, not to be as technical as possible or something.. But hey, I still love that kind of stuff to!

    Going to see Anal Cunt in norway soon (24th of April), by the way.. Looking way forward to it..

    4.11.2008 | By Chris

  9. Hey Chris, should you read this: If you haven’t already bought a copy of the record, shoot me an e-mail at the address found on the Slaxxmaal site and I’ll mail you a free copy based on that comment. I’ll even throw in the whole record on CDR if you’d like.

    4.12.2008 | By svein

  10. Dude, that’ll be awesome! I’ll send you that mail right away..

    4.12.2008 | By Chris

  11. I really hope these dudes gonna play some more concerts…......

    4.14.2008 | By earl

  12. haha, i remember hearing about this band years ago on the VG music messageboard. awesome that they’re still around, i should check them out:)

    4.18.2008 | By vegard

  13. is this the band with the bold douche? FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    6.2.2008 | By espen

  14. The boldest douche in town, motherfucker.

    6.17.2008 | By svein

  15. Ha ha ha…....this is the band of the brother of a man that is a buddy of a friend of mine in a town called bergen i think

    8.30.2008 | By Are